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Controversial e-mails between Noguez and Salari to be released by Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on Friday

By Brian Hews
Los Cerritos Community Newspaper will be publishing hundreds of internal emails between embattled Los Angeles County Assessor John R. Noguez and controversial Arizona tax agent Ramin Salari, said Brian Hews, Publisher and Owner of Hews Media Group.
Both Noguez and Salari are the focus of a wide ranging investigation by members of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office of Public Integrity over “influence peddling” and other “pay to play practices.” Los Cerritos Community Newspaper was the first media outlet in Southern California to report on the massive probe back in early February.
“After careful consideration, we have decided to publish hundreds of emails that we received from the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office during that past three years between Assessor Noguez and Mr. Salari,” said Hews in a statement on Monday.
“The public deserves to see firsthand how Mr. Noguez and Mr. Salari conducted themselves during the past several years,” said Hews. It is quite astonishing to see how Mr. Salari treated people within the office, he acted like a assistant assessor”.
“We are committed to providing 100% accuracy in our coverage into the activities of the Los Angeles County Assessor’s office, and we have dedicated thousands of hours of time in our series of articles on the current probe,” Hews said.
Hews said he will be publishing the unedited emails online this coming Friday, May 18 at 9 a.m. on the newspapers website at
Hard copies of the emails will also be made available to credentialed members of the media on Friday beginning at 12 p.m. Members of the media can contact Reporter Randy Economy at 562 407-3873 for more details and to make arrangements with interested reporters.

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