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LCCN EXCLUSIVE: District Attorney Cooley calls for Assessor Noguez to resign; Calls probe the ‘biggest’ of his career

By Brian Hews
Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley called for the resignation of embattled Assessor John Noguez this afternoon.
In an exclusive phone interview with Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on Wednesday afternoon, Cooley said “it is appropriate for Noguez to resign.”
“It is in the best interested of everyone for him (Noguez) to step down,” Cooley said.
“Over the past several months, it has become clear that the situation inside the Assessor’s office has deteriorated,” Cooley said.
Cooley said his office has made this case the “top priority for prosecution” and indicated that “countless individuals are being investigated.”
“This is by far the biggest case I have ever seen of this magnitude in my four terms as the District Attorney,” Cooley told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper.
Cooley would not say if or when arrest warrants would be issued other than saying “this is a very complex case and we are taking our time in reviewing each and every detail.”
Cooley also praised the coverage of Los Cerritos Community Newspaper during the past five months. “I have followed all of the coverage (from LCCN) and want to compliment you for doing a great job. Keep up the great reporting,” Cooley told Brian Hews, President and Publisher of Hews Media Group.
Cooley also said he “supports” having Los Cerritos Community Newspaper distribute hundreds internal memos obtain between Noguez and tax agent Ramin Salari this coming Friday.

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562 407-3873

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  • ernie nishii says:

    very good. Any internet newspapers lead to the clean up of govt??

  • Joe Blow says:

    First clean up the LA County Assessor’s office, what’s next? The California State legislature and the crooks & puppets elected to that body?

    Tons of dirt on Speaker Perez, the Calderon’s, the Lowenthal’s, Tony Mendoza, Rudy Bermudez, and those who have worked in their offices like Mark Pulido and Luis Marquez. You want to stir up a hornet’s nest worth of corruption look there and follow the money. Such an investigation will partially touch on scandals like the Martin Ludlow investigation and how the Los Angeles AFL-CIO has used political corruption to put their interests above those of the residents. Find the right thread and the whole thing starts unraveling, exposing those greedy bastard for who they all really are.

  • Roberto says:

    The investigators have collected all the files and computers, but they have not looked into the main contact “vehicle” used by Noguez and his handlers. “Throw aways”. Prepaid phones that you can you can use and never have to worry about it being traced back to you. When Noguez was the Mayor of Huntington Park, they used these phones to coordinate and conspire. From my friends who work for HP tow, they tell me that there were Ferrari’s, Lamborginis, and Bentleys that would come and take Suki, the owner of HP tow to lunch, so that they could use his connection to Noguez to benefit them financially by having their property taxes dropped. In return Noguez helped HP tow get contracts, Bell Gardens, Compton, Lynwood, and many others in the last 18 months. This is an outrage, our community is being taken advantage of, by the people we elected to protect us. Stop the corruption.

  • Cheryl says:

    They are clearly going down.