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Local baseball Coach Antonio Gomez, Convicted in Child Sex Abuse Case

LOS ANGELES – Following a day of deliberations, jurors today convicted a former middle school teacher accused of sexually abusing two teenage girls, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced.

Antonio Gomez, 41, of Downey was convicted of 12 counts of lewd act upon a child with a special allegation found true that the defendant committed the offenses on more than one victim. Jurors also found true an allegation that the defendant had substantial sexual conduct with one victim under age 14.

Gomez also a coach with the Oakley Stingrays, a youth baseball organization that uses Zimmerman Park in the city of Norwalk. The victims are not associated with the the Norwalk based team, prosecutors said.

Deputy District Attorney Martha Carrillo of the Sex Crimes Division prosecuted the case.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lance Ito ordered the defendant remanded into custody without bail. Gomez is expected to be sentenced on June 27 in Department 110 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center. The defendant faces a maximum sentence of 22 years in state prison.

The offenses, which took place between June 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006, involve two former students who at the time of the offenses were between the ages of 13 and 15.

Gomez was a physical education teacher at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School in East Los Angeles.

Officers of the Los Angeles Police Department investigated the case.

–Source Los Angeles County District Attoney

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  • Baseball Parent says:

    I am a parent on the baseball team that is indicated in this article. Mr. Gomez was primarily a parent just like the other 4-5 parents who help out the boys in addition to the teams full time coaching staff. His son had joined the team in April and has been with the team for less than 2 months. Although I believe in freedom of speech and press it was totally classless to attach this tragic matter to a youth baseball organization that had nothing to do with, was unaware of, nor was not even in existence when these crimes were committed 7 years ago. This makes no sense other than to defame or discredit my sons baseball organization, almost in a attempt to hurt the organization, which is sad because the only people it hurts are the kids. Mr. Gomez has been welcomed to help MANY city and private baseball and soccer organizations over the last 5 years which I will not list. I did not know of his legal proceedings until today when I got the news. In the end the justice system will do its work, however in the end there are no true winners, victims are scarred for life, family and friends let down, and innocent children lose a parent. I will support his child during this difficult time as he will need as much support and nurturing now more then ever. This is a sad event for everyone involved.

  • Baseball Parent says:

    I am a parent on the baseball team that is indicated in this article. Mr. Gomez was primarily a parent just like the other 4-5 parents who help out the boys in addition to the teams full time coaching staff. His son had joined the team in April and has been with the team for less than 2 months. Although I believe in freedom of speech and press it was totally classless to attach this tragic matter to a youth baseball organization that had nothing to do with, was unaware of, nor was not even in existence when these crimes were committed 7 years ago. This makes no sense other than to defame or discredit my sons baseball organization, almost in a attempt to hurt the organization, which is sad because the only people it hurts are the kids. Mr. Gomez has been welcomed to help MANY city and private baseball and soccer organizations over the last 5 years which I will not list. I did not know of his legal proceedings until today when I got the news. In the end the justice system will do its work, however in the end there are no true winners, victims are scarred for life, family and friends let down, and innocent children lose a parent. I will support his child during this difficult time as he will need as much support and nurturing now more then ever. This is a sad event for everyone involved.

  • Randy Economy says:

    This information is vitally important to our readers, especially since the convicted suspect is a parent/coach right here in our community. This information was provided to hundreds of media outlets across the United States by the Los Angeles County District’s Office. We take our responsibility as a community newspaper very seriously, and will continue to post serious issues of this magnitude in the future. Our hearts go out to the family of the convicted man, as well as to the victims and their families in this tragic case. Thank you for your comments.

    –Los Cerritos Community Newspaper

  • community member says:

    For the record there was no mention of any youth sports organizations Mr. Gomez siblings have played for in the district attorneys press release found here:
    This information was respectfully targeted from another source other than the DA’s office press release.
    Thank you

  • Puggmahone says:

    I met this guy right around the time he was first arrested for these offenses. He proclaimed his innocence and at first I believed he may be telling the truth. But as I got to know him, I saw what a manipulator he is and honestly, a real piece of work. He and I bumped heads to the point where I avoided him at all costs, even ignoring his presence. I have no doubts that he did this. He bounced around from league to league because of his own self destructive behavior and lies. His wife and children are extremely warm people and I hope they find their peace.

  • carlos says:

    To Baseball Paren,t the news of his acts at Stevenson Middle School broke out in 2007. It was a major breaking event for all the local media in the greater Los Angeles area. He posted $100,000 bail at the time and was released. 5 years later he was tried and found guilty. I too have to agree with Randy Economy. It is very important for everyone to know what is going on in the local community. Obviously what Mr. Gomez did in my years at Stevenson Middle School broke out too late, but the truth someday comes out. To know that the guy was still coaching even after being released for such perverted acts is heart breaking.

    But the law states innocent until proven guilty, well that is the case now. what is more heart breaking is that he is a parent, and never assumed that mindset when he commited those sexual acts with the 13-15 yr old girls.

  • Grandparent of team member says:

    I understood that there were originally 4 girls who were accusing Mr. Gomez. Two of the girls said the charge of sexual harassment was not true and that the charge of sexual harassment was a result of poor math grades for the 4 girls.
    I sincerely hope that our justice system thoroughly looks at charges and investigates whether their is real evidence. Our society is concerned about sexual abuse of young victims, but our society has given horrendous power to young girls who for personal reasons choose to destroy an adults reputation.
    I was not there when these acts occurred and only the girls know the truth. I know in our contact and relationship with Mr. Gomez he was an excellent father, coach, leader and respected by each member of his team.
    May the truth be known.

  • Truth Be Told says:

    I don’t think the Oakley Stingrays organization was personally attacked, I think it was more of a statement that this guy was out on bail, was not being monitored, and he personally knew what allegations he was facing and continued to want to be around children. I think that should be more of the focus. My heart breaks for his family. They are the ones that suffer from his actions. I simply think that the statements made about his coaching was more emphasized on his actions after being out on bail. At least I would hope they were not a personal attack on the children. I know this guy as his son attends school with my child. The sad thing about his arrest is when we played his team, all the kids in our dug out knew he was arrested and our players were informing us. It was at this time I chose to do my homework and look into it further, and when I googled his name I found the numerous articles. Now lets all stop pointing fingers and focus on how we can keep our children safe, and as parents how we can do our homework on who we leave our kids with. The power of the internet these days you can find anything.

  • Friend of David says:

    I am probably correct in my assumption that the main two (2) coaches of the O.S. team did not know this convicted child molester’s story, but there were players, and parents, on the O.S. team that knew this predator’s story. There are a couple of players that followed Gomez around from different rec leagues to different travel ball teams, because they believed in his innocence. Well, twelve (12) people cannot be wrong. Side note, Gomez’ son and those “couple” of players that ALWAYS followed him around should not be in a 13u team, as those kids turned 13 before 05/01/12. No one cared because their skill set was at 13u. Dear grandparent of team member, way to stay classy and blame the victims!!!!

  • another parent says:

    My son played on the same team as gomez with the socal dynasty in 2011. Hell of a coach but hey people make mistakes in life and so does the legal system sometimes, only god will know the truth. I can tell you that the manager and team mom on that team knew very well of these allegations and let him coach for almost 2 years, i think things would have been different if it was a girls softball team. These things were not talked about amongsts parents it was a very personal issue and he had not been convicted yet. I cannot vouch for his son being overage when i checked the history of the dynasty on usssa in 2011 gomez son was registered as a 12 year old for the 2011 2012 season which would be correct for playing age of 13 for this year. It seems it would be hard to sheraid this for 3 years. That’s pretty sad to go after a kid who’s father is now in jail for possibly the next 20 years but to each their own.

  • Another parent of ex-dynasty player says:

    My son played for dynasty as well. I don’t know where you are getting your information but no parent, coach, or team mom were aware of his allegations with Dynasty. He left because he was not allowed to take over the team. Most parents liked him initially but little by little he lost everybody’s respect by trying to manipulate and take over. He was a good coach not great. As far as the kids playing for 13 and under baseball teams that is the parents and coaches fault, not the kids. I have heard that at least two kids are over the age of 13 but continue to play as 13 year olds for O.S. again coaches and parents should be blamed for this not the kids. You can say a lot about tony but I do agree he did a great job raising his kids. If you had met them you would agree with me. Please keep the kids out of this; parents and coaches made decisions.

  • Travel ball mom says:

    Yes a lot of finger pointing going on but what can be done to prevent this from happening, realistically probably nothing in this exact case. Because the person was not convicted yet he would have not had a criminal record or would have not been on Megans law. Ultimately the court and the judge need to make it clear to these offenders that they are not allowed to work with minors untill the case is over but i dont even think the courts can do this much. Most city sports leagues use Livescan and this information would have not came up either. Im sure a extensive background check would have brought up that he was arrested but who is going to do this? It’s not really feasible in travel ball to do $100+ background checks, all parents would have to be checked because it is a private club and all parents are usually involved with the kids one way or another giving rides, helping out coaches at practice, being involved in fundraisers and traveling together. If extensive background checks were required of all parents on a travel ball team you probably wouldn’t have a travel ball team anymore. This is a hard problem to solve.

  • Truth Be Told says:

    Let me clear some misinformtaion. Livescan would have shown up that he had been “arrested for a crime on a child.” Quit making up excuses. WE have a duty to these children to protect them and keep them safe. Another fact, when you out on bail for a crime as such it would have been part of bail to keep away from “schools” as such. Isn’t that were you travel ball teams play. We need to take responsiblities as parents and handle our own do dillegence for the sake of our children. And shame on whomever allowed him to coach while this was pending. This is sick that excuses are being made for his actions. There was obviously enough evidence to take this to trial and be found guilty. Do you dillegence and look it up, it is after all PUBLIC RECORD!!!!! Now how do you explain to these children that he is a CRIMINAL.

  • Truth Be Told says:

    And another note, since I am on my soap box. I feel devistated for his two young boys. A great father to his kids, well I have a different of opinion when those boys are NOW WITHOUT A FATHER. He should have put his family before himself. That is what makes a great parent. These two boys, and his wife are now left with what? He left them devistated, embarassed and without the father and husband. That is what is truly sad. I feel so bad for them 3.

  • KMJ says:

    TRUTH BE TOLD i need to find out where you are located so i can keep you away from my kid, you are borderline OCD with a touch of looney lol

  • Edwardo says:

    My grandmother used to say “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres.” Which translates to “Tell me with whom you walk, and I will tell you who you are. Very disapointing to see parents argue here. Travel ball should be about the KIDS, teaching them sportsmanship, hard work, and loyalty. How can a team/ or kid build from travel ball, especially when you move from team to team? Pick a team or organization stay with it and build as a person, community, and TEAM!. No room for shady antics or people in the game.

  • mark hylland says:

    Why should we care? The city of Norwalk is not concerned about it……

    “We will discuss the field use process and our volunteer process. Again, I will not be discussing the Oakley Stingray situation.”—-Ernie Hernandez, Norwalk City Hall

  • Princess says:

    May the truth be known may justice be served……. My prayers and heart goes out to his family…….

  • Big E says:

    About time this clown gets what he has coming. I was a board member at one of the youth leagues this Gomez coached at. He raised eyebrows right away and his background check came back clear 3 times. It wasn’t till I googled his info I found the truth. After we showed him the door I forwarded his info to every single baseball contact I had. Somehow he ended up coaching kids again. Without something local leagues and teams can reference it will happen again. The system needs to be fixed! I hope he gets what he deserves!

    • jess says:

      am sorry to say but as a student that i was of antonio gomez he was an excellent teacher who was respectful .. i do know many girls tried flirting with him ..and as we all know there is girls that when they dont get what they want can do the craziest thing i was his student at the time of the incident and i am in his side

  • am sorry to say but as a student that i was of antonio gomez he was an excellent teacher who was respectful .. i do know many girls tried flirting with him ..and as we all know there is girls that when they dont get what they want can do the craziest thing i was his student at the time of the incident and i am in his side many people can judge …he was a comprehensive teacher …them girls should be ashame of what they done ..they were probably the ones onto him.

  • Kevin Pena says:

    I was a student of gomez and I remember he would always be flirting with the girls. There was one point in my life where he began to make fun of me for being fat. One day I got tired of it and I cussed him out he decided to grab me from my backpack and threw me against the wall. When I stood up and tried to walk away he got me again from my backpack and I punched him in the face he grabbed me from my shirt and was going to hit me until the staff pulled him away and they backed him up.

  • Jen says:

    He is a petefile whose been flirting with teen girls since he did it with me in 1997. I didn’t realize it then as I was too young and naive, but I see it now. He is a manipulative pervert and I am only sorry I did not have the courage to speak up and protect the many victims that followed after me.