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Kreimann recommendation for Chief Deputy Assessor praised by Noguez

Santos Kreimann given nod for Deputy Assessor slot in LA County

Santos Kreimann given nod for Deputy Assessor slot in LA County

By Brian Hews

Santos H. Kreimann has been recommended by Los Angeles County Chief Administrative Officer Bill Fujioka to become the new Deputy Assessor, Los Cerritos Community Newspaper has learned.

In a report to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Fujioka recommended that Kreimann step in to the position that was created when embattled Assessor John Noguez announced that he is taking a paid leave of absence last week.

Two Supervisors, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Mike Antonovich did not attend the meeting on Tuesday and the matter of Kreimann’s appointment has been delayed for one week.

Kriemann was appointed the head of the County’s Beaches and Harbors on January 27, 2009. He is a longtime county employee with over 20 years of experience in various county departments including a prior stint in the Treasurer and Tax Collector’s Office, the Department of Health Services, and the Chief Administrative Office.

Noguez issued a statement supporting the pick of Kreimann through his Press Secretary Louis Reyes.

“I thank the Board of Supervisors for taking immediate action on my request to make a recommendation,” stated Assessor Noguez, “I am looking forward to appointing Mr. Kreimann Chief Deputy. As soon as he assumes his position, I will begin my leave of absence.”

“I encourage my staff to support Santos Kreimann during my absence. He will have my full authority to manage and oversee the department,” stated Noguez.

Noguez is the center of a massive criminal probe that has already resulted in the arrest of a former property appraiser on 60 felony counts.

Kreimann received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration from California State University, Los Angeles in 1991 and is a resident of Whittier.

Noguez announced that he will take a voluntary leave of absence during an ongoing investigation within the Assessor’s Office.

The new Chief Deputy Assessor is expected to act as department head in the Assessor’s absence.

“A salary and start date for Kreimann will be determined at a date in the near future as a transition plan is developed between the Assessor’s Office, the Chief Executive Office, and Kreimann,” spokeman David Sommers told LCCN on Tuesday.

Noguez fired off a statement to members of the media on Tuesday afternoon praising the appointment of Keirmann.

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