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Noguez employees vote 92% that he ‘must resign’

Noguez employees vote 91% that he "Must Resign"

Noguez employees vote 92% that he “Must Resign”

By Brian Hews

Members of the union that represent employees at the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office have voted overwhelmingly that Assessor John Noguez should never be allowed to return work.

The Assessor’s office is now under a massive criminal probe by law enforcement officials that includes allegations of bribery, forgery, influence peddling, and fraud.

Employees voted 92% that they no longer have confidence in Noguez and that he should “never return” to his position as Assessor.

Members of the California Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) were mailed a total of 387 ballots on July 12, who work under Noguez at the LA County Assessor’s Office and 126 ballots, roughly one-third of those mailed, were cast by the deadline of Monday, July 30. Los Cerritos Community Newspaper was given the results in an email from employees on Saturday.

“On the question of whether or not John Noguez should ever be allowed to return to the Office of the Assessor, CAPE members voted overwhelmingly against his return to service,” CAPE representatives said in a statement obtained by Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on Saturday.

“Regardless of the outcome of the (criminal) investigations, by a factor of more than 9 to 1, the rank and file professional employees indicated they are not confident in John Noguez’ ability to manage the office, and that his return would be a hindrance to restoring integrity and efficient operations,” CAPE officials said.

“The results of this vote indicate that a clear majority of CAPE members in the Assessor’s Office believe John Noguez should resign from office to help restore the public’s confidence in the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office,” CAPE stated.

Noguez has been on a paid leave of absence for the past two months. Noguez has denied any wrongdoing in the past.

One Assessor employee who did not want to be identified told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on Saturday that “Noguez can return to work anytime he wishes, and frankly that should be a crime in itself. Just knowing that he is on a paid vacation is an injustice.”

Noguez is allowed under the terms and conditions of his leave of absence that he can return to his job at anytime. Los Angeles County Beaches and Harbors Director Santos H. Kreimann is now the acting head of the Office of the Assessor. Kreimann has not released any official statement about the results of the union vote.

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