By Brian Hews
Norwalk Sheriff officials are investigating a shooting in Norwalk on Saturday afternoon at Shoemaker and Rosecrans that has has resulted in the closing of several streets in the immediate area.
A spokesperson for the Norwalk Sheriff’s Department confirmed to Los Cerritos Community Newspaper that a shooting incident took place at around 3:30 p.m. but would not elaborate on specific details.
Kevin Landry, a longtime Norwalk resident told LCCN that a vehicle was involved in the incident and that the back windows of the car was “blown out.”
LCCN will have more updates throughout the evening.
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Spent most of Sunday, March 3, 2013, looking for a mailbox in the city of Norwalk. Walked a few miles to the Norwalk Post Office. Never did find a single mailbox. What I did find was a semi-automatic weapon in a gutter as the Norwalk Sheriff Department’s squad cars, along with a circling helicopter, rushed down Pioneer Blvd. near Rosecrans, where I was waiting for the Norwalk Transit bus that never appeared. Since I have endometrial cancer and a defective bladder neck mesh that has eroded into my pelvic area, I am waiting the required 180 days for SSDI/medical benefits to provide for my mandated urgent/emergency surgery. Therefore, I sat on the curb where the gang-related activity was ongoing and covered the weapon with my United States Post Office tote. I am now permanently disabled; I put my cane down, dialed 911 and waited for the authorities to retrieve said weapon. I had served on a hate crime/murder trial for he entire month of September at the Torrance Courthouse. I was Juror #1; Juror #2 was the court reporter for the Charles Manson murder trial. We convicted the shooter of innocent taco truck patrons to 395 years to life, along with two other accused found guilty of 1 count of murder and 8 attempted murders. The M.O. was the same; dispose of the weapon a.s.a.p. and hope the weapon will be “found” by another or drop down a storm drain. I am coping with multiple health issues at the age of 60, including uncontrolled hypertension. The 911 operator sensed my anxiety while all around me were law enforcement officials. My blood pressure rose to a deadly level and I was taken to Norwalk Community Hospital’s ER room to be stabilized. I have lost my job and am living on my mother’s funeral/final expenses trust. Bankruptcy is looming in my near future. Should my 85 year old mother pass, my disabled daughter and I will be homeless. My pension will not cover even one COBRA payment to allow for my hysterectomy, bladder mesh damage or anything other than my basic living expenses. I have contacted my congresswoman, started a petition to Jerry Brown, Congress and President Obama regarding the FDA and notification of recalled medical devices in a timely manner. I am in constant pain, bleed when lifting more than 5 pounds and am caught in governmental red tape. I cannot afford my own funeral costs should my demise occur on the operating table. Medical malpractice, gangs, law enforcement cutbacks, our bankrupt postal service, etc. have not reduced my loyalties to the United States. However, I am pleading with Congress to support all Americans who have placed their trust in their their elected officials. No more games…I am running out of time as cancer waits for no one.