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County Assessor John Noguez Arrested In Corruption Investigation


Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez was arrested Wednesday following a corruption probe by the District Attorney.

Noguez employees vote 91% that he "Must Resign"

Noguez employees vote 91% that he “Must Resign”

Noguez and others connected to his office were arrested on bribery and corruption charges amid allegations that some property owners in the City of Los Angeles were receiving favorable tax assessments in exchange for political support.

On Oct. 12, Noguez  announced that  he was be taking a leave of absence.

A former appraiser with the Assessor’s Office, Scott Schenter, was arrested last month and charged with slashing the values, and tax bills, of properties in Beverly Hills, Brentwood and Pacific Palisades in exchange for donations to Noguez’s campaign.

Schenter faces up to 33 years in prison if convicted.

District Attorney Steve Cooley will hold a 10:30 a.m. news conference to discuss Noguez’ arrest.

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