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California State Lawmakers Pass Resolution Honoring HMG-CN

Staff Report:

(Los Angeles) California lawmakers passed a Resolution officially recognizing Hews Media Group for their “professional leadership in the field of journalism” and for “the highest commendations of the people of California.”

Assemblyman Mike Gatto, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, authored Members Resolution No. 1684 that was approved on June 23rd in Sacramento. Gatto, who represents the greater Glendale-Burbank area presented to HMG-CN with the honor this past Monday live in studio on the popular “David Cruz Show” on KTLK-AM 1150.

Gatto praised HMG-CN and the five-person community newspaper Los Cerritos Community News who “had fewer resources than other journalists and was forced to be a tenacious investigator and expert in the States Public Records Act.”

“As firm believers in upholding the public interest, HMG-CN worked collaboratively to go above and beyond the call of duty, exposing the people of Los Angeles County and the State of California to a multi-million dollar scandal and one of the largest corruption cases in Los Angeles County history,” Gatto said.

“During a time when many Americans were feeling a financial pinch, Hews  revealed that certain officials were secretly cheating and using the legal system to their advantage by illegally lowering property values to enrich themselves,” Gatto stated in his Resolution.

“HMG-CN’s investigative work revealed a previously unprecedented level of corruption leading to the arrest at least one official now facing 60 felony counts, while reminding other public officials that they are not above the law, and their detailed work and dedication to uphold the law demonstrated the power of investigative journalism and restored faith in disenfranchised members of the public by holding public officials accountable and ensuring an informed populace,” the resolution stated.

The Resolution also proclaims: “HMG-CN provided the much-needed voice for the American people and reminded us all that we are responsible for ensuring that our rights are not misrepresented, misconstrued, or taken advantage of.”

Hews thanked Gatto for the special honor in a statement on Tuesday.  “We thank Assemblyman Gatto and the California State Assembly for this recognition.  The People of California deserve to have an open and honest democracy at all levels, and a free media remains the cornerstone of our society,” Hews said.

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  • Lee Irvin says:

    Good Job Guys. Well deserved.

  • John Westin says:

    Investigative journalism? HA! Is that what this yellow journalism is being referred to now? This paper is so full of inaccuracies it should be labeled a tabloid!

    • OMG says:

      Hi “John”:

      Care to elaborate on your accusations?

      I love ths paper and Randy and Brian this is what they have done….

      This is exactly what:
      1. John Noguez said…he is in jail
      2. Gary Townsend said…he is in jail
      3. Wendy Greuel said…she is NOT LA Mayor
      4. James Roybal siad…under invetsigation
      5. Bob Apodaca said….2 harassemnt investigations revealed
      6. Three city council in Commerce…now they are getting recalled
      7. Harvey Englander said….and now says nothing
      8. 60 felony counts….
      9. Jason Stinnett said
      10. Oscar Magana said

      So you want to elaborate? John?