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Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia Demands Senator Ron Calderon to Resign


The Montebello offices of California State Senator Ronald Calderon in Montebello. Randy Economy Photo

The Montebello offices of California State Senator Ronald Calderon.  Randy Economy Photo

By Brian Hews

For the first time, an elected member of the California State Assembly has publicly demanded that embroiled California State Senator Ronald Calderon resign from office in wake of the growing and widening criminal probe that has consumed investigators of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the past several years.

Late Friday, Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia told members of the media that she had been in contact with Calderon and that she told him to resignation.

English: The Seal of the United States Federal...

English: The Seal of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. For more information, see here. Español: El escudo del Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI). Para obtener más información, véase aquí (Inglés). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“As the unsealed FBI affidavit and subsequent news reports have revealed a legal whirlwind surrounding Senator Ron Calderon, I must speak out,” Garcia told Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper in an email.

“It is with mixed feelings, but with strong conviction that today I ask Senator Calderon to step down from his office to allow this black cloud to be removed from over the Capitol and over the State of California,” Garcia said.

“I fully realize that we must respect the presumed innocence of Senator Calderon, but the distraction caused by this case, in my own backyard and its long term implications are detrimental to the fabric of government and to the citizens that the Senator represents,” said Garcia who is in the middle of her first two-year term in office.

“Every Legislator takes an oath to faithfully discharge their duties as an elected official. When this pledge is for any reason jeopardized, an officeholder has the duty to step away. I hope Senator Calderon will look in to himself and make the proper decision,” Garcia said.

Nearly all of Garcia’s district is embedded in Calderon’s senate district that consumes most of Southeast Los Angeles County.

HMG-CN has several calls into Calderon Press Secretary Mario Beltran for comment on the matter, but none of those calls have been returned.

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  • Art Cervantes says:

    I suggest the innocent Ms. Garcia considering dumping her alliances with Ian Calderon. Both her and the silver surfer never should have been elected to the Assembly in the first place. I think this woman is doing a little surfing herself, trying to catch a wave to the State Senate replacing Uncle Ron.

  • FLFF says:

    I also applaud Christina’s action. I was gerrymandered (against my will) into Calderon’s senate district during the farce called redistricting! I have REPEATEDLY written him on numerous items, and these were NOT emails but PAPER letters, he has NEVER sent me a form letter in reply. I guess because I do not fit the persona of any of his constituents who fawn over this POS! Any person of scruples, courage, and convictions would be fighting, IN PUBLIC to clear his name of the charges AGAINST him, and maybe considering resignation! But not him! He cares ONLY for lining his pockets with cash, like ALL LIBERAL democrats before him! He knows the media and his fellow latinos will protect him and KEEP a scandalous and corrupt politician in office who SHOULD be in JAIL! But as usual this is how policy and politics are run in liberal socialist democrat la la Ka Ka land..