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EXCLUSIVE: Cerritos College Faculty Senate President Bob Chester’s Rant ‘Mocked’ Vietnamese Women

By Brian Hews and Brian Hews

Disgraced Cerritos College Faculty Senate President Robert “Bob” Chester made derogatory comments in public early this week that compared the campus leadership to prostitutes from Vietnam.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper received both an audio tape as well as a written transcript of the remarks on Thursday.

Chester can be heard stating at the beginning of the Cerritos College Faculty Senate
Meeting, where he served as President until his resignation on Tuesday afternoon said the following:

“Let’s begin with the really horrendous news first. You’ll notice no cookies. Guess what, no money, no money, just like the old days in Saigon- no money, no honey, ok. No money, no cookies. If you want cookies, give money. Simple. End of cookies report.”

In the meantime, Cerritos College Superintendent Linda Lacey sent out a statement via their legal counsel, specifically dealing with Chester’s abrupt resignation as both the leader of the Faculty Senate and Coordinator of Judicial Affairs.

Cerritos College Faculty Senate President Bob Chester.  Photo from Cerritos College

Cerritos College Faculty Senate President Bob Chester. Photo from Cerritos College

“Mr. Chester has served and will continue to serve Cerritos College students and the community for many years. He is a valued member of the Cerritos College Faculty and has served the College in a variety of roles over the years, including twice serving as president of the faculty senate, most recently this year. This year he also took on the responsibility of serving as a faculty member in the role of judicial affairs coordinator handling sensitive issues relating to student discipline.” Lacey said.

“While Mr. Chester has resigned from these two positions, he will resume his role as a full-time classroom instructor,” Lacey continued.

“The College appreciates his service in these additional roles. He is leaving his appointments solely for personal reasons. His position as Academic Senate President will be filled according to Senate policy. His faculty appointment as judicial affairs coordinator is being handled by an interim dean at this time, with a permanent replacement to be announced at the end of the school year.”

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  • Joanne W. says:

    This man Bob Chester is a disgrace and should be fired,anyone with his attitude is unfit to teach.
    After reading Cerritos College President Lacey’s glowing pro-Chester comments, she also needs to be canned.
    I implore the College Board of Trustees to take action and fire these two “Women Haters” NOW!

  • Concerned says:

    Horrible! From racist remarks, sexual liaisons with students in his office and now possibly stalking/sexting faculty interns on campus….what a piece a work! I’m appalled that he is still allowed teach. It’s sad to see how downhill this school has gone in the last decade. And people wonder why education is the first funding to be cut!

  • L. Melton says:

    I am appalled to read of the over-reaction to remarks taken out of context and spoken by a dedicated, lifelong educator and veteran who served our country. Obviously, Mr Chester was making a point about funding, not attacking women. I have no idea if your college has a problem with LGBQT people, but if it does, why attack someone who pointed it out? As for the rest of your witch hunt, you shoulld be ashamed. The reality is that Bob Chester is one of the best teachers your college will ever have; your stupid outrage does little to help your students, many of whom desperately need a writing teacher of Chester’s caliber.

    • Editor’s note: This is what Mr. Chester said: “Let’s begin with the really horrendous news first. You’ll notice no cookies. Guess what, no money, no money, just like the old days in Saigon- no money, no honey, ok. No money, no cookies. If you want cookies, give money. Simple. End of cookies report.” If that is not attacking/belittling women, don’t know what is.

  • Dr Gloria Willingham-Toure says:

    I personally found Mr. Chester’s remarks offensive and belittling to women. I am certain that a more appropriate and even more compelling analogy could have been made to get the point across relative to budget shortfalls if that was the intent. There seems to be an intentional use of racial, ethnic, and gender defamation.

    I was even more appalled by the laughter that could be heard in the background as Mr. Chester spoke. That background laughter suggests an even more widespread insensitivity to the impact of such remarks. I would like to hear more about how the rest of the people “in the room” reacted to his statement in real time… not after they read the media comments. The background sounds on the YouTube video were not those of outrage. I could only hear the laughter. This points to the need to look deeper at the work environment at Cerritos College, and under what conditions persons are allowed to remain in positions. Is Mr. Chester an isolated case or is this business as usual as Cerritos College. I don’t have the answer but I am sure that the college does.