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Ian Calderon ‘Loans’ Father Charles Calderon $10,000 for LA County Judge Campaign


California State Assemblyman Ian Calderon donated 2

The Calderons from [l-r] Ian, Chuck, Ron, and Tom Calderon.

  UPDATED AT 12:45 p.m.

By Brian Hews

California State Assemblyman Ian Calderon donated $10,000 to his father Charles Calderon’s campaign for Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge this past Monday, according to documents filed with the California Secretary of State.

Calderon is facing Carol Rose, a Child Molestation Prosecutor in the June 5th California Primary Election for Judicial Office #48.

The Calderon family is currently embroiled in one of the biggest political corruption cases in California state history.

Ian Calderon’s two uncles, State Senator Ronald Calderon and former Assemblyman Thomas Calderon were recently arrested in a five year sting operation conducted by undercover agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

The United States Department of Justice has charged the two uncles of Ian Calderon for accepting bribes in an elaborate ploy from a phony movie studio that was created.

Ian Calderon represents a wide swatch of Southeast Los Angeles County in his first term in the State Assembly.

Records also confirm that former Assembly Speaker John A. Perez also gave Calderon $2,500 on February 22, and local Lakewood Assemblyman Anthony Rendon pitched in $1,000 to the campaign coffers for Calderon’s judicial race.

Calderon also took a $5,000 donation from Peter Ohanisian who is a longtime political friend and supporter who owns a private consulting company in the San Gabriel Valley.

In the past, Charles Calderon has been responsible for helping raise hundreds of  thousands of dollars for his son Ian’s successful.

Ian Calderon defended his financial support to his father in a phone interview from Sacramento on Thursday.

“Look, my father is the best qualified candidate to serve as a Superior Court Judge here in Los Angeles County, and I will support him 100%,” the first term lawmaker said.

Ian Calderon said that the $10,000 loan “qualifies as a loan” from his 2014 State Assembly reelection campaign account.  “He is in a campaign, and I support my dad, and this is a way I can help.”

Ian Calderon said that “it doesn’t matter how much” his father Charles donated to his 2012 campaign.  “I made the phone calls myself, and raised this money on my own.”

Calderon said that the $10,000 loan to his father’s judicial race is “not a conflict of interest “whatsoever.”

“He is the best candidate for Judge. There is no body more qualified to be a judge. He served as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he will make a great judge,” he said.

“I am not there campaigning with him, he is doing his own thing, his own race,” remarked the 28-year-old Calderon.

“People know my dad. He is not my Uncles (Ronald and Thomas).  It is easy to lump all of us Calderon’s together.  It is unfair,” Ian Calderon concluded. 






  • You Go Glen CoCo says:

    Holy crap! Talk about a son having a major hard-on for their Daddy Dearest. I’m almost certain that Ian “Peachypie McSquiggles” Calderon raised those funds illegally and is probably helping out Charles “Squishy Woody” Calderon.

    Here’s A Little History About The Calderon’s

    One day Little Ian Calderon and his Daddy Chuckie are on a bike ride down a country lane until Chuckie falls off, and shouts BASTARD as he whimpers in pain and Little Ian asks “Daddy what does bastard mean”. The man still whimpering in pain looks around and searches for something and he sees Ron Calderon in the distance and says to his son, “Bastard means Ron Calderon”.

    Later on when they get home, Chuckie is watching an illegal horse race and has just lost a bet on it and shouts “My arse” due to an offside and Little Ian asks his Daddy, “What does my arse mean Daddy?” So Chuckie puzzled again looks around and looks at the door and sees the doormat, and says “Doormat son, doormat”. Later that night, Chuckie is shaving his va-jayjay and cuts himself and screams “SH**!” Little Ian asks what shit means. His father still holding his va-jayjay feels the shaving cream and says “Shaving cream son, shaving cream,”

    The little boy walks downstairs and his Mommmy has just burnt the chicken. She screams “F*!” The little boy asks what f&## means. “Erm…chicken son, chicken,” A couple of seconds later Ron Calderon knocks at the door so little Ian says “Hi bastard, wipe your feet on my arse, my dads busy wiping sh$# off his va-jayjay and my moms just f#*CK the chicken!!!

  • Carl Elliot says:

    Money goes around and around and around. I disagree that Ian’s donors were not aware he would be donating to his father. Of course the donors knew, who do you think told them to write the check in the first place..Daddy Chuck!

    The money-go-round is just doing business with the Calderons. What is really amazing is that dumb ass voters will probably elect Chuck as Judge not even realizing that his two brothers are going to jail. The only answer is ZERO voter turnout, the only way an honest person can get elected!