By Randy Economy and Pete Parker
In a letter sent to LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy, a dozen local elected officials have demanded that embattled Central Basin Municipal Water Board Member James Roybal be fired from his position as a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District.
The letter to Deasy was obtained by Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper.
Roybal has been enrolled in the controversial program known as “Teacher’s Jail” for several months, as first reported by HMG-CN back in November, 2013.
“The undersigned are writing to demand that the Los Angeles Unified School District take immediate action to prevent the continued illegal practice being perpetrated by LAUSD employee James Roybal,” the letter states.
The signers of the five paragraph letter are Pico Rivera City Councilman Bob J. Archuleta, Downey Mayor Pro-Tem Luis H. Marquez, Bell Gardens City Councilwoman Jennifer Rodriguez, Commerce City Councilwoman Denise Robles, Montebello Unified School Board Members Benjamin Cardenas and Hector Chacon, El Rancho School Board President Dr. Aurora R. Villon, Pico Rivera City Councilman Gustavo V. Camacho and Montebello City Councilmembers Art Barajas and Vivian Romero.
Copies of the demand letter was also sent to all to Central Basin Municipal Water District, the Metropolitan Water District Board of Directors, the LAUSD Board of Education, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe, Assemblymember Cristina Garcia and Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
“Mr. Roybal, an elected member on the Central Basin Municipal Water District (CBMWD) board of directors, has routinely and consistently attended CBMWD meetings and received per diem payments and financial benefits in violation of LAUSD’s rules,” the letter states.
“Mr. Roybal has received tens of thousands of CBMWD ratepayer dollars while in teacher’s jail, while still drawing LAUSD salary and benefits, and continues to attend CBWMD meeting with impunity, blatantly disregarding LAUSD rules,” the officials state in the letter to Deasy.
The elected officials also stated that “it is LAUSD’s duty to ensure that Mr. Royal abide by the rules or suffer consequences.” They also state that they recognize that “the actions of Mr. Roybal reflect negatively on the vast majority of good, hard-working teachers and staff employed by LAUSD.”
“However, given that LAUSD has allowed Mr. Roybal to leave teacher’s jail and continue to draw an additional salary for over a year demonstrates that LAUSD is either unwilling or unable to properly manage this program, and now appears to advocate Mr. Roybal’s poor behavior,” the elected officials tell Deasy in their letter.
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Buit still no District Attorney inquiry? Oh, that’s right, after the LAUSD and Central Basin acts to remove this Roybal creep then the DA will step in like Wonder Woman and make headlines (just like in the case of the Centenial School District).
Jackie Lacey is worthless. Yeah, that’s right I said it!
You mean, “JACKIE LAZY”
It’s too early for DA Lacey to take action . Like boxers wait for the 12th round . she ll wait before the election and then take action. So lets seat tight. all the jucy stuff will come out right before her next election.after all she needs all of these politians endorsements and money ,dirty or not , for her next election. She don’t want to be a One Time DA.
Where in the hell is the LA county DA? Oh ya I forgot when everything is owned and operated by libturd, uneducated and clueless democraps, what else can we expect? Ya get the government you deserve and NOT what we desperately want and NEED!
This story is extraordinary. An issue that brings together 12 elected officials from a defined area like Roybal’s Central Basin Water territory is rare, but in this case, totally not unexpected. We have all had enough! This Roybal characeter is a train-wreck that needs to go away once and for all. He is obviously not a good person.
I support whatever effort it takes to run this idiot off. My I suggest a recall. It seems to me that a committee already exists of 12 elected officials who can lead the effort. What are people waiting for?
I support all efforts to remove James Roybal from office. As a resident of Pico Rivera, I personally met this man when he first ran for El Rancho Unified School Board. Unfortunately, he ran for Pico Water District soon thereafter. He wanted to run for City Council but knew that race would be too vicious given all City Council races in Pico Rivera are dirty and invasive.
The problem with Roybal is that he is a hopeless drunk who believes he is superior to all those around him. He is bitter and filled with contempt. His issues are obviously personal and I saw no reason to dig deeper. He was easily dismissable and I had hoped he would no longer run for poltical office in my city. Then he ran for Central Basin with the backing and encouragement of former Councilman Ron Beilke. And in true Roybal style, he screwed over his long time friend who simply tried to help him. Roybal did the same to Rick Mercado when Rick supported him for Pico Water DIstrict. I think we can all agree with full certainty that Roybal’s character is such that he can’t keep friends and thus his total lack of loyality.
When this guys is booted out of Central Basin he will once and for all be forever done. I predict a slow decline of health as a result of his raging alcoholism. His neighbors all hate him, with the exception of Joe Cabellero who is a jewel of a man. Just our luck this clown is from Pico Rivera, but then again, we also have to own up for Armenta and Salcido.
Roybal has a long record of disciplinary issues at LAUSD. He has been repeatedly moved from school to school (four in the last 8 years) as a result of his questionable, erratic and often times inappropriate behavior. It has long been suspected that he has alcohol and potentially serious drug abuse issues. He has a prior D.U.I. on his record.
The District’s Administration will absolutely NEVER permit Roybal to return to the classroom. They will petition to have his teaching credentials stripped and he knows his clock is ticking. Roybal is only subjecting himself to the embarassment of being confined to Teacher Jail for financial reasons. Unfortunately, his greed exceeds his pride and he’ll never quit nor would he resign from Central Basin. He’s absolutely all about the money people.