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Towne Center Dome Building Getting Facelift

The dome on the top of the Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo building is being repainted. Representatives told HMG-CN that this happens every five years to metal structures. Photo by Eric Lee.

The dome on the top of the Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo building is being repainted. Representatives told HMG-CN that this happens every five years to metal structures. Photo by Eric Lee.

Editor’s Note: Eric Lee is a student at Whitney High now interning at HMG-CN as a roving reporter. We welcome him to our team.

By Eric Lee

As of a few weeks ago, residents in and around Cerritos, have noticed scaffolding around the dome building in the Cerritos Towne Center. The building, owned by the law corporation Atkinson, Andelson, Loyda, Ruud & Romo, was built less than five years ago and is a noticeable structure among those in the surrounding area.
The dome is made with interconnecting arches held together with several rings and supporting beams. The dome has two walls around its base, with one larger in radius than the other. All of these are almost entirely made with metal.
Recently, the paint on the metal has started to peel and form bubbles on the surface after the years of exposure, prompting the scaffolding and repair.
The property owners hired Century Building Solutions to do the repainting job, a process that includes grinding off the old paint, applying primer, and painting over the primer with a topcoat of new paint.
The job does not include repairing the actual the dome structure.
The repainting process will only be done on the rings and beams supporting the dome and the two concentric walls surrounding it, excluding the top part of the dome, where the scaffolding does not reach the thin arches.
“The process is regular,” explains Teodoro Pandoro-Magana, the Project Superintendent, “when you paint on metals or panels, after four years or six years, the paint will start to have bubbles appearing on the surface. It happens with iron, steel, everything. Our job is to scratch off all the old paint, and after that, we’re going to put on a layer of primer, and then a topcoat.”
The project was started almost a month ago, though progress was slowed by rain and unfavorable conditions in the last week. Without any further delay, the job is expected to be done by Sunday, December 20th.

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  • Towne Center says:

    RE: TC Dome Story……….

    Great educational read, wondering how long this process was going to take. When this $1M dome/ public sculpture was brought to Council for approval, wasn’t this dome landing, going to be open for public attractions, as I’ve never yet seen anybody up there on that rooftop Pavilion?

    Here’s another question for the Cerritos Towne Center ( TC)? Cerritos Towne Center is operated / managed by the same property manager for Long Beach Towne Center, but the present condition of the Cerritos Towne Center is horrible, compared to the Long Beach Town center. Maybe the editor of the story can do some investigation work, to disclose the difference of (2) malls!

    Why does the Cerritos Towne Center have so many vacancies especially around the Kohl’s store?

    Holiday Shopping, shocked to learn, another big Cerritos icon store has vacated, Big Lots, plus the restaurant in the new Orchard Mall, off of South/Carmenita, called Sports Bar has closed its door too. If stores have to close during Holiday Shopping spree, something is mighty wrong in this city.

    CCC wants us to shop Cerritos, but the present declining conditions of the Cerritos Towne Center, is anything but Chamber welcome. Possums are running rapid in the parking lot, eating fallen date fruit. Streets are dark and over grown by trees. TC waterfalls are non functional and the entire area is going downhill. Wallmart parking lot, looks like parking lot in Watts. Grass aprons throughout the TC are dead. Shoemaker Waterfal Gore is eyesore and filthy.

    March 2015, CCC election candidates, need to address the decline in this city owned mall, plus the falling attendance at the CCPA. Twenty yrs ago, residents were promised state of art in dining. Easy equation, Lakewood Mall has all the great restaurants. Former CCC: Jim Edwards and Grave Hu are part of this equation in post development of the TC, as hope during candidates forums, both address this issues. Economy is the new norm, following this recession.

    Lack of Cerritos Diversity and cultural assimilation is really growing in Cerritos.