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Redondo Beach Opens Innovative ‘Pallet Shelters’ for Homeless

TINY BUT MIGHTY: Fourth District L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn with Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand surveying pallet houses for the homeless. The houses are 8 x 8  foot and can accommodate one or two people inside, with drop down beds, power outlets, heaters, and personal locked storage areas.


By Brian Hews and Tammye McDuff • December 30, 2020

Two weeks ago, L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn shared photos that showed her and Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand touring pallet houses for the homeless located on a city yard on Kingsdale near the South Bay Galleria.

Pallet houses are eight by eight foot shelters that can accommodate one or two people inside, with drop down beds, power outlets, heaters, and personal locked storage areas.

Best of all, each house costs only $4,900.

“I joined Mayor Bill Brand in Redondo Beach, where new pallet shelters have been installed in record time.  The project broke ground on November 23, and we will have people moving in before the end of the year,” stated Hahn.

The site has 24/7 security and offers three meals a day for residents.  Harbor Interfaith Services will interact with residents providing mental health services and substance abuse and medical treatment while working with each person to find permanent housing.

This past Monday, December 28, during Southern California’s worst rain storm to date this year, people began to move into the shelters.

Supervisor Hahn and Mayor Brand checking out the inside of a home.


The pallet house idea is the brain child of Brady King, a graduate of Redondo Union High School. The tiny aluminum cabins were originally designed as temporary after Hurricane Katrina.

The shelters are designed to be stored flat,  “it is meant to be palletized,” King said, “so you can get as many flat packs on a pallet as possible.”

The Redondo Beach project is paid for by funds from the CARES Act with another $409,000 from  Homeless and Housing Program funds, and an additional $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds will cover operational costs.

The pallet shelters will remain in place for a period of six months, when the City Council will reevaluate the program.

“These Pallet shelters are a creative, affordable, and– most importantly– quick solution to get roofs over peoples’ heads. This entire project took just weeks to get up and running after we broke ground in November. I appreciate Redondo Beach for taking this project on.  They showed what was possible and I know that cities across the South Bay are watching closely.  I have always said that if a city steps up and wants to build a shelter or supportive housing, I will help them find the funding to get it done.  That is what I did here, and the same promise goes to any city in my district.”

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  • Peter Griswold says:

    I want to invest in tiny homes as they are housing for the future.
    I have plans and capital that will give housing to many more persons without wasting so much taxpayer funds.

  • Peter says:

    I can invest for appropriate subsidized and homeless housing.
    Ask me to explain my financial ability to do this…Confidentially
    Below is just one of other editorials I have written on this topic.
    About Sep-2012 you met me to discuss my plan to fix public sidewalks.
    That was a hot topic then but fell silent to other Breaking News.
    Blessings PG in MDR 310-821-9862 ret-const-estm

    APPROP0RIATE HOMELESS HOUSING Should not compete with most market rate homes.
    Good homeless housing must be humane….while it must also be small + inexpensive…..
    Tiny homes like Tuff-Shed could be upgraded and sited on public properties.
    Today the L.A. Times exposes how wacky our governments want to provide expensive homes.
    There are already local governments providing communities with tiny homes for under 12K$.
    One mobile home manufacturer in Midwest sells new homes 8×30 on wheels for under 30K$.
    Apartment type buildings should be on simple sites using simple and reusable documents.
    Supportive units for one person should be adequate and minimum usually under 250 square feet.
    Complete adequate homes only need a simple collection of rooms needed for basic housing.
    Such buildings should be designed for repurposing if and when other future uses might arises.
    Supportive Housing must be sited in all areas, and especially near public transportation.
    Blessings PG

    American homes are the biggest in the world, second only in size to Australia.
    Collectively we need to relearn to appreciate smaller homes…and be happy in them.
    The world is changing, especially with the pandemic, and we are using too many resources.
    Smaller homes, for any stratus or status, must get smaller….especially in central cities.
    The cost per square foot can increase, however, the cost per unit will decrease.
    ONE SIZE + ONY TYPE does not fit all….especially for lower income and homeless.
    Let the wealthy build bigger. For the vast majority, especially for budgetary reasons boiler plate
    plans should only be REVISED to eliminate more expensive civil-structural-engineering designs.
    POOR-HOUSE (tiny home) are terms to redeem and to respect by all societies.
    For the lowest income and the homeless tiny homes would be plenty adequate.
    Supportive housing would even provide space for professional support and assistance.
    Many persons, even families around the world would be happy in a safe + secure home.
    LASTLY….all of our world resources and water must be better preserved.
    Blessings PG MDR-CAL

    I am just one man who believes that SRO should be a vital part of all new housing; especially in urban centers.
    • Government should have a criteria to identify certain kinds for reduced or deferred permit process.
    • Government takes back a security note and when the project is done the permits would be paid.
    • With or without subsidies all housing developments should be required to include a percentage of SRO’s.

  • Heather Airheart says:

    These cost to get into, correct? I’m homeless & very desperate- of course like many others I’m sure. I’m a 47 yr old woman who is just seeking assistance. Thank you for any reply.

  • Ivett says:

    Hello Mrs Hahn
    I know a homeless person
    Needs a lot of help,
    Can you please ler me know
    What will be the steps
    To get him in one of the houses.
    Thank you.
    Email: [email protected]


    I am a single homeless woman and need to Apple for this temporary housing.
    Desperté to have a transición iny life.