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Democratic Congresswoman Says Republican Rep. Poked Her, Told Her to ‘Kiss My Ass’

February 8, 2022

Rep. Joyce Beatty tweeted on today that Rep. Hal Rogers verbally assaulted her after she asked him to wear a Covid-19 mask on the train.


Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio) on Tuesday accused Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) of poking her in the back and telling her to “kiss my ass” after she asked him to wear a mask in the U.S. Capitol.

“Today, while heading to the House floor for votes, I respectfully asked my colleague @RepHalRogers to put on a mask while boarding the train,” Beatty tweeted. “He then poked my back, demanding I get on the train. When I asked him not to touch me, he responded, ‘kiss my ass.’”


“This is the kind of disrespect we have been fighting for years, and indicative of the larger issue we have with GOP Members flaunting health and safety mandates designed to keep us and our staff safe,” she added. “@RepHalRogers, when you are ready to grow up and apologize for your behavior, you know where to find me.”

Rogers, who represents eastern Kentucky, used to be known as the “Prince of Pork” for steering millions in federal pork-barrel spending to his district. The conservative National Review lambasted him as a “congressional disgrace” for funneling critical Homeland Security contracts to shoddy contractors in Kentucky. He was included in a 2012 roundup of the “The Ten Worst Members of the Worst Congress Ever,” highlighting how he’d handed a lucrative no-bid airport security contract to a concern that had flown him on trips to Ireland and Hawaii.

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