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ABC Schools Selected as 2012 California Distinguished Schools

ABC Unified School District

ABC Unified School District (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On March 29th, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced the names of the public elementary schools named 2012 California Distinguished Schools.  Four schools in the ABC Unified School District were selected among the exemplary schools for their innovative education programs.  They include three schools in Cerritos including Carver Academy, Stowers Magnet School of International Studies and Wittmann Elementary School.  Kennedy Elementary School in the city of Artesia was also selected for this high honor.


The 2012 California Distinguished Schools Program identifies and honors those schools that have demonstrated educational excellence for all students and progress in narrowing the achievement gap. Schools must meet a variety of eligibility criteria including designated federal and state accountability measures.  The process consists of a written application which includes a comprehensive description of two of the school’s signature practices and followed by a county-led site validation review process validating the implementation of those signature practices.


According to Dr. Mary Sieu, Deputy Superintendent, this is the first time that two magnet schools, Carver Academy and Stowers Magnet School of International Studies as well as Kennedy Elementary School earned the Distinguished School title. The four schools will be recognized at an awards luncheon held on May 3rd at the City of Industry. State Superintendent Torlakson will present each school with a 2012 Distinguished School plaque and flag. There were 387 elementary schools in California selected for this title this year.

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