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Ian Calderon touts “family ties,” “fresh perspective” in quest for 57th Assembly District seat

By Brian Hews
Ian Charles Calderon grew up in politics, campaigning, and public service. Now the 26 year old son of Assemblyman Charles Calderon is involved in his first attempt at elected office as a candidate in the newly created 57th State Assembly District.

Calderon told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper that he was “fortunate to grow up in a family that was dedicated to community service,” and it began with his grandmother Rita Calderon who “set the example “for him as a young child to “remember the importance of giving back, each and every day.”
Calderon said that there has “always” been at least one “Calderon” in the California State Legislature for past thirty years. His uncles are State Senator Ronald Calderon, and former Assemblyman Tom Calderon who is a current candidate in the 58th Assembly District this election season.
Ian Calderon said he grew up in the Whittier Hills area of Spy Glass and graduated from California State University in Long Beach and received his Bachelors Degree in Political Science. During his last year of college he worked for Hurley International that specializes in action sports goods and retail clothing apparel here throughout several counties in Southern California.
He told LCCN that he believes that his “generation” needs to “step up” and to get involved in shaping government for the future. Calderon is a Field Representative to retiring State Assemblyman Warren Fruitiani but has been dedicating most of his efforts to his campaign.
He said that his “lifetime of experience” has “prepared him well to represents the needs of the community and district” in Sacramento. “I want to represent a new generation of Californians. When you turn on the news, at the local level, and national level, everything is doom and gloom, and there are a lot of cynics in this world instead of hopeless romantics,” Calderon exclaimed.
“I truly believe that we are greater than the problems we all face today,” he said. “We just need to have people who see that as well.”

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  • Tom Girardi says:

    Earth to Los Cerritos Community News. Ian Calderon told you he grew up in the Whittier area and you let him get away with that “local boy” lie.

    He attended and graduated from Capistrano Valley High School in Mission Viejo. That’s a long ways from Whittier.

    • Chad says:

      Tom, Ian Calderon actually did grow up in Whittier even though he graduated from Capistrano High School.

      Rudy Bermudez, on the other hand, is being investigated for lying about his residency when he filed his campaign finance paperwork.

  • James Tripplehorn says:

    The FPPC is only investigating one candidate in this race for hiding income, and that is Ian Calderon. He filed false paperwork (under penalty of perjury) with the Fair Political Practices Commission. A commission that was designed to stop political corruption. If the FPPC is already on this guy, begs the question, what else is he hiding?

  • Leticia says:

    The Calderon’s are career politicians. And the one thing career politicians never lack is a litany of special interests fattening their pocket books and motivating their political decisions.

    See for yourself, the Calderon’s blatant corruption and disregard for the people:

    http://articles. latimes.com/2012/apr/29/local/la-me-calderon-20120429
