57th State Assembly Candidates Rudy Bermudez and Noel Jaimes took center stage during Monday's debate in Whittier. Randy Economy, LCCN Photos/Vids for YourCityTV
By Brian Hews
A much anticipated debate between the three candidates running in the newly created 57th Assembly District turned out to be a two man show due to the absence of candidate Ian Calderon on Monday night.
Sponsored by the Whittier League of Women Voters and the UCLA Center for Public Policy, the event was billed as a Candidate Forum and promoted the attendance of the three would-be assembly members during a two-hour, televised forum between ex-lawmaker Rudy Bermudez, Businessman Noel Jaimes, and Calderon.
Nearly 100 people attended the Monday night event at Whittier City Hall attendees munched on finger sandwiches, imported meats and cheeses as well as Italian pastries after the debate.
Event organizers announced that Calderon called one half hour prior to the beginning of the event and said that the 26 year old candidate would not be able to attend “due to the illness of a family member.”
But, Calderon campaign spokeswoman Leslie Rodriguez told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper that her candidate had no intentions on attending the forum and was attending a long time scheduled commitment with supporters in a private residence.
“We told the organizers that we would not be attending well in advance,” Rodriguez said in an interview on Tuesday, and “to state that Ian was not going to attend at the last minute is just plain false and misleading.”
Nonetheless, Bermudez and Jaimes talked openly about a wide ranging list of pressing issues including how to tackle the large unemployment rate, the ongoing state budget crisis, the new California Open Primary, legislative term limits and the recent elimination of the city redevelopment agencies.
“I plan to introduce a bill that will immediately bring back redevelopment agencies to our cities,” Bermudez said.
“Public education has been hit hard during the economic downturn. “When you look at our communities we need to prioritize as Legislators in Sacramento. We need to focus in on things that are going to stimulate the economy, and embrace those items,” Bermudez remarked.
Jaimes was direct and said “we have 27,000 people out of work. Every one of you here tonight can point to a friend or a family member who have been looking for jobs for three months, six months, or one year. “
Jaimes also said it is time for Sacramento to address the massive foreclosure crisis in California by keeping the “politicians out of our district.” The La Mirada real estate executive said the mandated regulations from lawmakers have made the foreclosure business “worse, not better.”
“If you elect me, I will keep Sacramento out of your pocket books, and that I can promise,” Jaimes said.
This was the last scheduled candidate forum scheduled before the election that will be held in three weeks.
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So, who are we to believe? The League of Women Voters? Or Mr. Calderon’s spokesperson. How about hearing directly from Mr. Calderon, If he desires to serve US/the people, then he should direct us directly.
For the record, I did in fact hear directly from Ian Calderon as well as his spokesperson. I had the pleasure of meeting them both in person and was very impressed with Ian. I have known Rudy for several decades and while he is very experienced, I elected to cast my vote for Ian—Rudy could have only served us for two years. I have not yet heard from Noel Jaimes and welcome the opportunity to meet him in person. I have left messages for him to contact me. Every candidate deserves the opportunity to be heard and I look forward to any upcoming debates between Ian and Noel.
It was a good forum with good information getting out to the community. I hope the community gets a glimps of what is in my heart about our communities and my commitment to make things better in the future… Gracias to all….
Mr. Jaimes,
I would like to respectfully ask you a few questions. In watching these videoclips, I heard you state that you were “brought over” here Mexico at the age of three months of age and that your mother became a United States Citizen first. How did you first enter the United States (type of Visa, or was your father an American Citizen, etc). I would also like to know what your position is on illegal immigration and what should be done about it. Contrary to my last name, my great-grandparents immigrated to the United States and my Uncle, Colonel Albert Rodriguez was the highest decorated soldier during the Vietnam War. Looking forward to your reply. Mark A. Hylland
Hello Senior Jaimes,
Do you care to answer the question? Or are you avoiding it?
Once again, I am respectfully requesting what your (or the person who brought you to the USA) immigration status was when you first entered the USA.
Mark A. Hylland
Do not be FOOLED by the antics and BULL CRAP of Bermudez! He is a very typical tax and spend liberal democrat! He USED to be my assemblyman – I wrote him COUNTLESS letters and sent COUNTLESS faxes over the years – he NEVER responded with even a FORM letter! He is one worthless libtard demoKREEP machine politician who WILL NOT look out for you — he only cares about his POCKET BOOK and his arrogant ego!
Floyd Farrar–
Bermudez might be bad.
But a Calderon win would be far worse.
Charles Calderon is the most corrupt politician in California–in a legislature full of them. No one can hold a candle to CC in terms of corruption.
His brothers Tom and Ron probably come in 2nd and 3rd in that race. A whole family dynasty of corruption, like a mafia family
I don’t even sense that Charles’s son Ian has any interest in serving for political office. He is only a shill for his termed out father, , and would only be the servant of the same political interests.
It is time to end the Calderon dynasty. No on Ian Calderon.
looks like a southpark episode, even without Calderon
I’m guessing “Friends of Noguez & Calderon” donated to all 3 candidates.