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LA Mayoral Candidate James calls for Noguez to step aside

By Brian Hews
(Los Angeles) A call for Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez to resign has become an issue in the race for next year’s hotly contested mayoral race.
Los Angeles Mayor Candidate Kevin James, who is a former federal prosecutor, called for Noguez “to take a leave of absence without pay until the District Attorney’s office completes its investigation.”
James argues that “the mere appearance of impropriety jeopardizes the public’s ability to trust any action the Assessor’s offices takes if Noguez remains in office during the investigation and allegations by the District Attorney’s office of interference by representatives of the Assessor’s office warrants this suspension of Noguez while the investigation proceeds.”
James also said in a statement to Los Cerritos Community Newspaper, “the appointment of an Acting Assessor to replace Noguez is warranted until the investigation is completed.”
Kevin James declared, “The public must be able to trust their elected officials. John Noguez’s integrity remains in question until the DA’s office concludes its investigation.”
“Mr. Noguez needs to do the right thing,” James concluded.
In addition to being a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, Kevin James, has called attention to and exposed public corruption for nearly a decade over the airwaves on his radio broadcast. One of his top priorities if elected Mayor would be to expose and remove corruption from City government.

  • Marilyn Eyers says:

    Thank You Kevin James. I agree with you, this crook needs to quit now!
    You will make a great Los Angeles Mayor. We need to tell our L.A. friends to vote for you.

  • Tomas Singere says:

    Wow, had anyone even heard of Kevin James, Mayoral Candidate, prior to this press release? Didn’t think so.

  • Chewy says:

    This is only the tip of the iceberg for John Nogeuz . The Pulitzer Prizes should be given to Los ceritos community news and Mr Randy Economy for their dedication to expos corrupt politians and honest government .