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Norwalk City Council votes on new budget Tuesday night

By Brian Hews
The Norwalk City Council will be voting on a new fiscal budget on Tuesday night that according to city manager Mike Egan is “a spending program that continues to maintain a high service
level for City services,” in spite of months of rancor about political interference from California State lawmakers.
“The City Council has made every effort to reduce costs without jeopardizing overall services and worked to ensure adequate reserves are maintained to weather the slow economic recovery and the continued uncertain actions of the federal and state government,” said Norwalk City Manager Mike Egan.
Residents will get a chance to comment on the 2012-13 budget proposal beginning at 6 Norwalk City Hall, at 12700 Norwalk Boulevard.
Egan said that General Fund revenues are projected to increase 1.5%, or $503,355 from the
current fiscal year.
Los Cerritos Community Newspaper will have more information on the budget vote in this weekend’s home edition.

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