The following letters were sent by three members of the 1st CEB Bravo Headquarters in Afghanistan thanking us , the residents of Cerritos, for the recent care packages sent to them by the 1st CEB Combat Engineer Battalion Volunteers.
Dear Cerritos Community,
My name is LCPL Medina and I’m an Electrician for the Marine Corps. I wanted to thank you for the support you guys are giving us. It was just a heartfelt gesture that is not easily forgotten in this harsh environment. The care packages were amazing by the way. Means a lot to us Marines when we see that there is support of the people back home when we need it. Makes the job that much easier when we know what and who we fight for. So again wish I had more time to show you my gratitude but that’s a luxury I will get when I’m back. So I, no we are truly thank you and God Bless.
Sincerely Your Marine,
LCPL, Medina, Joseph A
Dear Cerritos City Council and Community,
I apologize for sending a handwritten letter instead of a typed one, but I am without a personal printer. My Marines, Sailors and Airmen received your gift and we cannot thank you enough for them. It brings us all great pride knowing that the care packages came from an entire community of people and not a single individual. You are all very blessed to come from such a strong community and we hope everyone there the best. Thank You again.
Semper Fi,
1st Lt. Thomas Hodge
Echo Route Clearance Company
1st CEB
Camp Dwyer, AFG
To the City of Cerritos,
Thank you very much for the letter and the items that you guys sent. I thank you all for your support in everything that we do. So far, this deployment hasn’t been too bad. I talk to my wife and kids every night. I cannot wait to get home. It’s an honor to be able to go and serve my country and help liberate other countries from tyranny and terror and to protect the freedoms that we all have fought for in the past. I again thank you for all the support that you guys gives. Take care everyone.
Cpl Bolen
U.S Marine Corp.
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