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Video deposition emerges between Smuts, Blagden attorney regarding background of ex-Stowers teacher Kirby


A video of the deposition between former ABC Unified School District Superintendent Gary Smuts and attorney Ron Wilson who represents former Stower’s Elementary School Principal Eileen Blagden in a lawsuit has been posted on a video web site late Thursday afternoon.
It was filmed March 9, 2012.
The video shows Smuts testimony in Blagden’s legal lawsuit involving the incident involving former Stowers teacher Kevin Kirby. More information in this weekends edition of Los Cerritos Community Newspaper.

Note: Adult subject matter contained in video clip.

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  • Larry Andre says:

    During the spring of 2010 I had the opportunity to attend an ABC School District meeting. Eileen was supposed to be able to make her case of why the charges against her were false. The superintendent made a Freudian slip saying they had made their decision about demotion then quickly corrected himself to say we are here to listen to Ms. Blagden. Then the superintendent proceeded to impede the ability of Ms. Blagden and her attorney to make their case, limiting the time for them to speak. I placed my name on the list to make comments for a 5 minute time slot then when I arose to speak I yielded my time to the attorney for Blagden. Although, the ABC School Board uses Robert’s Rules of Order, the superintendent did not call for the parlimentarian to make a ruling but immediately ruled my yielding out of order and went on to the next person to make comments. Remember, one of the individuals that made the ruling and participated in the Kangaroo Trial of Ms. Blagden was Palido the Cerritos City Councilman. It is time for the Superintendent and Palido to be held accountable for their politically motivated decisions. Now Smuts has retired so he untouchable, and Palido has been elected to the Cerritos City Council where he too can corrupt that fine organization. Mr. Palido is one who lacks in integrity and now the City of Cerrios must deal with not only Mr. Palido but those who behind the scenes dictate the thoughts and actions their pawn.

  • Larry Andre says:

    Mr. Smuts did a horrible job of protecting his legacy.

  • Gerald Woodward says:

    I have lost all respect for Gary Smuts and Palido. They are a disgrace to the ABC School Board and Palido to the School Board and to the city of Cerritos. They have tarnished the reputation of an honorable principal as well as the reputation of the ABC School District. I hope that Principal Blagden sues them both personally.