NORWALK — A Los Angeles Unified School District teacher who drove over an embankment following a police chase Tuesday was charged today with evading police and multiple counts of sexually molesting a 14-year-old girl.
Kip Richard Arnold, 51, was charged in a felony complaint for arrest warrant with three counts of lewd act on a child who was 14, two counts of oral copulation of a person under 16, one count of sexual penetration by a foreign object and one count of evading an officer, said Deputy District Attorney Diana Martinez.
Prosecutors will ask bail be set at $1 million.
Arnold, a Southeast Middle School teacher, allegedly had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl between June and September in 2005. The alleged victim, now an adult, recently reported the incident to authorities.
Bell police, who were investigating the allegations, said they were preparing to arrest the Lakewood resident Tuesday when he allegedly fled in his pickup truck and led police on a chase. The chase ended when the pickup truck swerved over an embankment in Rolling Hills Estates and crashed into a building 70 feet below.
Because Arnold remains hospitalized, his arraignment will be delayed until he is released from the hospital.
If convicted, he’s facing up to seven years in state prison.
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Kip Arnold should get and do all seven years for the first crime. Then another seven years for the high speed chase. And lose his pension, forfeiting it to the young lady.
Why did $he wait $o long before turning him in? Could it be that $he now want$ to ca$h in. There’$ a lot of money to be made by being a victim. LAUSD is going to be broke. How will they be able to pay for all of their admini$trator$ & their program$? Why didn’t the victim turn to her parent$? Why didn’t the victim’$ parent$ report the crime when it happened? Why did the victim $uddenly become a victim?
Fuck all this bullshit…. Kip was my teacher then… I at tented that middle school at that time, I remember all this stupid little sluts all over him, who ever that stupid girl is, Honestly why wait so long? They maintained a relationship for years. Dumb ass should have opened her mouth years ago… She’s probably mad cus he didn’t want her anymore…. Fuck the system…. Free Mr.Arnold. He’s a good guy.
How about we don’t try him in the Court of Public Media or speculate why the victim didn’t come forward until now. Let justice take it’s course. And say a prayer for all involved and their families. They all have a tough road ahead.