This is the Crime Summary Report for the City of Cerritos for the week of July 23 through July 29, 2012.
Part I Felony cases dropped by two last week when 26 were reported. Residential and commercial burglaries increased while robberies, vehicle burglaries and vehicle thefts were lower. 300 calls for service were handled by patrol deputies, up by three calls over the previous week. The 2012 weekly average in calls for service now stands at 268.
Two robberies were reported. On Wednesday July 25 at 12:25 p.m. a male suspect robbed a bank in the 13200 block of South Street. At 8:00 a.m. on Friday July 27, four male suspects entered a home in the 13100 block of Carolyn Street, assaulted a male resident and fled with a small amount of jewelry. Indications are that all of the parties involved are known to each other and detectives are continuing the investigation.
Residential burglaries rose from two to four last week. Two open windows and two pried sliding glass doors were the entry points. A safe, laptop computers and a watch were taken. The 2012 weekly average in residential burglaries is now 4.2.
We cannot stress the need to ensure your residence is COMPLETELY secured prior to departing. One of the open windows involved in the burglaries last week was on the second story. Obviously, a little height is not a deterrent to would-be thieves.
Commercial burglaries also increased from two to six last week. Three lockers at a fitness center were targeted where wallets, ID, keys and a cell phone were stolen. A storage unit was burglarized and missing items included pots, pans and miscellaneous paperwork. A vacant building was the crime scene in the sixth case where copper wire was taken. The 2012 weekly average in “other structure”/commercial burglaries is 2.0.
Vehicle burglaries dropped from 11 cases to 10 last week. Commercial parking lots were involved in seven crimes. Five victims drove SUVs. Purses, jewelry, Blue-Tooths, gym bags, credit cards, cameras GPS units and vehicle stereos were reported as loss items. The 2012 weekly average in vehicle burglaries is 7.8.
Shattering a window is the most common method used in vehicle burglaries. Would you rely on less than a quarter inch of glass to protect your valuable property? Unfortunately, too many people do by leaving items in the passenger compartment of their vehicles. Thieves will gladly make you a victim without a second thought. Don’t provide them the opportunity to do so. Take your property with you or at the very least, lock it in the trunk.
Vehicle thefts were down from four to two last week. Both were from lots. A Honda and an SUV were stolen. The new 2012 weekly average in vehicle thefts is now 3.3.
Steering wheel locking devices can cost as little as $25.00 and are a visual deterrent. This is a very small added “insurance policy” to make sure that your vehicle is available when you return to it.
Go to for an extensive library of crime prevention tips, disaster preparedness information, and a variety of links to other pertinent sites.
Volunteers on Patrol Wanted: The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station is seeking Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). Patrolling the City in distinctly marked vehicles, VOPs assist with crime suppression, traffic control, vacation checks, special events and park security checks. They serve as additional “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Department and train as first responders in the event of a major emergency or disaster.
If you are interested in helping Cerritos maintain its reputation as a safe place to live and work, the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station encourages you to apply to be a VOP. For more information, contact the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044, or visit the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station to obtain an application.
Block Captains Wanted: If you are interested in becoming a Block Captain in the Cerritos Neighborhood Watch, contact the Community Safety office at 562-916-1266. Block Captains act as contacts for the Sheriff’s Department and the Community Safety Division on behalf of their neighbors. They are also responsible for distributing information and do a great deal to promote public safety in Cerritos.
Remember, informed citizens who use safe living strategies are safer citizens! We encourage residents, business owners, and their employees to consider joining the Virtual Block Club (VBC). If you are interested in helping our Sheriff’s Department prevent and reduce crime, and enhancing your own personal and neighborhood safety, join the VBC on-line at our website devoted to public safety in the City of Cerritos. Go to to sign up.
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