Cerritos residents and are very displeased with the ABC School Districts handling of School of Choice. As parents of Cerritos students our concerns are not being heard. One of our concerns is that our students are not given priority over students from other cities, or even other school districts. Dr. Smutts said at one of the school board meetings that Cerritos students are first in the School of Choice lottery, then students from other cities in the ABC School District, then all other inquirers.
However, after extensive research we have found out that this is not the case. Instead Cerritos students are lumped together with all School of Choice requests. As a result our students are placed high on waiting lists and often do not get into the schools that we are requesting and the students from cities and school districts are taking our students seats.
There are slots left available for students outside our district, outside our city, and people for who work here. The ABC school district receives more funds per student that comes from other cities and from outside our district than for a Cerritos resident student; and that is why the District chooses those students over our students. Cerritos residents are paying much higher rates for our homes/taxes and we should be able to make decisions on which schools are best for our children.
All we are asking is that the Cerritos School district follow the standards that they themselves have set for us. We do not mind sharing our schools, but we want the first choice. Let us have our schools back.
Name on file
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This activity is nothing new 4 ABC
I completely agree, what is the ABC school district think it is doing? They need to start listening to our concerns and simply not brushing them away.
The ABC school district is nothing but a typical beuracracy and it’s sole function is to justify its very existance; it does not do anything of real importance in regards to educational needs of students in the area, period.
The track record, or lack there of, speaks volume.
Cerritos School District? ABC covers Artesia, Lakewood, Hawaiian Gardens, Norwalk, and Cerritos. Why id ABC doing this? $$$$$!!! I agree, as resident of Artesia. I pay a lot in taxes and we have first choice, but that being said. In order for ABC to survive, they need to take as many students as they can. More students = more $$$.
The real secret behind the success of ABC has nothing to do with district officials and little to do with the individual schools.
Sorry, but it’s true.
The ability for ABC schools to rank high in state scores is mostly attributed to the after school academics many children are force to attend, in hopes they do well enough to quality for Whitney.
Does ABC have quality teachers? You bet!
However, their job is made easier due to the extra academic help students receive “after” school.
If you don’t believe me just compare ABC schools drawing from primarily affluent Cerritos to those schools drawing from primarily lower income Hawaiian Gardens.
In the end, how important is school of choice for Cerrios residents? From an academic perspective, ABC has yet to produce an Einstein, Edison, Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, Jobs, you get the picture.
First of all there isn’t a Cerritos school district The name has been ABC for over 40 years.Cerritos residents should not have priority
over any other students..We are one district I
hope every parent wants what is the best education for all children. Whitney is a very good middle school and high school..they have a smaller enrollment then the other middle and high schools
yet they receive the same funding as other schools
bus servic is offered to these students living in
the district using a school of choice must drive
their children…since we picked the school it is
only fair that we deliver our children to school
each day…cut out the exclusive busing of Whitney
students that would save district money..and please
refrain from putting down students from other cities we all shop in Cerritos eat out in Cerritos
so we spend lots of money in the city…Let’s just
work for the good of all children…After all every
one you work with doesn’t reside in the city they
work in…
i understand you shop here but we live here and pay the taxes here we should always come first otherwise its not fair for us thats the way it was when i was in school so they claim to carry out the rules but dont as alway but we will keep on there mind till they do the right thing only an outsider would say that but what about us should we drive far away from where we pay taxes so you can have space for your kids to drive accross the world
Curious – the mention of local sales tax in the above comments.
I’m not sure it works that way.
Because, according to the ABC district they serve the cities of Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, as well as portions of Lakewood, Long Beach, and Norwalk.
Now, can someone “really” explain why they think Cerritos students should have an advantage over Artesia and Hawaiian Gardens students who are also exclusively served by ABC?
ABC is a joke. I have a boy that was in TK last year at one school, and while never officially told that we need to re-apply for school of choice for Kindergarten, he now has to attend a different school even though we applied for the inter-district transfer permit. He even has an older sibling in the school he was at last year. My permit was denied. They barely called yesterday to let us know…one day before the appeals take place. So now I have to wait until September. When calling the home school, school of choice, and ABC I was spoken down to as if it was my fault that they lack proper communication skills. They are rude people, and deserve to be punished. I’m planning on filing a lawsuit as they could not provide a letter proving that we were officially supposed to re-apply for school of choice. It was more like the reminder for NEW students. You can tell they have favoritism. It’s all about money in this world.