The following is a statement from Jay Gray (the resident that Mayor pro tem Barrows admittedly assaulted June 4, 2012) given at the Cerritos City Council meeting during public comments. Immediately after public comments, Mayor pro-tem Barrows was allowed to rebut the statement and went on to contradict his own statement to the Cerritos Sheriff. During the rebut, Barrows said Gray said something about his wife and then he (Barrows) reacted. In his statement to the sheriff, Barrows said he swore at Gray and that is when Gray responded about his wife. You can watch the video at the end of this statement online at
Mr. Gray: Many of you have read about he incident in LCCN that took place between Mayor pro-tem Barrows and myself and I am here to comment on that.
He (Barrows) represents our city and what he did was unconscionable. For a resident such as myself to have the courage to come up and speak about issues (and it is not easy) and then to be verbally abused and assaulted is wrong. He represents this city.
This is my city; this is where I grew up. And to see many of the things I see that this City Council is doing as far as the money spent, the millions of dollars wasted and then to get up and speak out about it and be accosted for my beliefs to exercise my constitutional rights and then to have this council sweep it under the rug?
Not long ago there was city councilmember who was censured for sending an email under Edwards name but yet when one of your residents that you are sworn to represent gets accosted, you sit quietly by and do nothing.
And I know some of you know I am not the only one who has undergone verbal abuse (from Barrows). I have been contacted by at least one other person that a couple of you (city council) are aware of, and you know who that is.
Its up to you to bring justice to the community. For the council to sit quietly and not speak up for me, is not speaking up for all the residents. This guy is Mayor pro tem, he will be Mayor in one year. To sit there and not doing anything? What message does that send to this city, other cities, governments agencies, to not talk about it and sweep it under the rug.
What message does it send to our schoolchildren here in Cerritos, we have distinguished schools; where it is as much about academics it is about good citizenship.
What message are we sending the kids that if you try to express your viewpoint at a meeting, and you get verbally abused and assaulted? What message does it send to the kids if you (city council) sit quietly and do nothing, play the political game.
If you do not stand up and speak out what does it tell our students and our residents? Many times residents want to come up here and speak out because they are frustrated that the council does not say anything or communicate. But when you do say something and a council-member does not agree with, you get called out for it?
I did not approach Barrows he approached me. Again this is not something small, this is a step above the Crowley incident. If this was a Cerritos employee he would be fired. If this was a student he would be expelled. So the council needs to consider an item on the agenda for censorship, removal for Mayor pro tem or removal from representing the community for as long as you see fit.
Someone has the fortitude to stand up to the Cerritos City Council.
RE: Cerritos Council needs to restore print advertising
Dear Editor,
To Mayor Edwards, Mayor Pro Tem Barrows, Council Members Chen, Cho, Pulido:
This letter is to request your consideration bringing back to the City of Cerritos’ budget the expenditure for print (advertising) to the Los Cerritos Community Newspaper.
In my opinion, the existence of the Los Cerritos Community News is very important. It is the source for news about Cerritos’ residents, a forum for public opinion and a medium for our local businesses to advertise so that we can support them.
May I offer this quotation from Warren Buffet as printed in the Los Angeles Times on May 28, 2012: “In towns and other cities where there is a strong sense of community, there is no more important institution that the local paper.”
Cerritos has the sense of community, so please support our local paper.
Thank you,
Dorothy M. Owen
RE: Dear Editor,
Council cutting CCPA advertising budget
I have bought tickets every year in sets of 5-6 events since Sinatra opened our beautiful center, except for the last 2 years because the choice of entertainment stinks!! If they would advertise the country entertainers on the radio like they used to do there would be a much better turn out. I used to call the radio stations and talk to the dj’s about what was coming and then after the shows we compared notes. Now when I call they don’t even know about the show. Bottom line is WORD OF MOUTH BRINGS IN SALES.
I hate to see this happen especially when we used to love to go for a night out to such a nice venue (and close to home). This saves me about $1,000.00 a year. Box seats only!
Cerritos Resident
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I would like for Bruce Barrows and Mark Pulido to publicly state how they intend to put the CCPA in the black.
They lead the charge in cutting the print advertising budget. Now let’s hear their plan to stop the 20-years and approximately $100 Million in losses on the backs of Cerritos residents.
I’d also like to hear from Mayor Edwards, Council Persons Chen and Cho as they all voted in favor of what now looks like categorizing the CCPA as collateral damage.