A 19 year old man wearing a Magic Johnson basketball jersey failed a field sobriety test and was arrested at a DUI Checkpoint in Norwalk.
Randy Economy Photo
By Brian Hews
Thousands of passenger cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and heavy big rigs were stopped at a Driving Under the Influence Checkpoint along a busy stretch of Imperial Highway on Saturday night that resulted in several arrests.
The checkpoint included dozens of local Norwalk Sheriffs officials and was targeted to crackdown on drivers who get behind the wheel and drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Joining in the effort with Norwalk Sheriff’s personnel were members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department of Risk Management Bureau’s Traffic Services Details, headed up by Detective Daniel Dail.
“Everything is going according to plan,” Dail told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper two hours into the checkpoint that went from 8 p.m. to 2 p.m. last Friday night into Saturday morning.
“This checkpoint was one of many that have been or will be conducted throughout the year in Norwalk,” Dail said.
The location of Friday’s checkpoint was on Imperial Highway west of Bloomfield Avenue. It is one of the most heavily travelled streets in all of Southeast Los Angeles County for a weekend night.
One of those arrested was a young man wearing a Magic Johnson basketball jersey. He failed a field sobriety test, and had a difficult time walking in a straight line. “Scary to think he was just driving down Imperial Highway, he could have easily gotten into an accident,” Dail said.
“The goal of the DUI/DL Checkpoint was removing impaired drivers and to bring awareness to the public of the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol,” Dail said.
LCCN witnessed two adult males, one age 19 and the other age 30 who was a resident of South Central Los Angeles get arrested after failing a sobriety test.
Both individuals were detained at a command post located in the parking lot of the Los Angeles County Registrar Recorders Office.
The Checkpoint results were:
2590 Vehicles through the Checkpoint
1910 Drivers Checked at the Checkpoint
2 DUI – Alcohol Suspects Arrested
2 DUI – Drug (Marijuana) Suspects Arrested
1 DUI – Combo (Alcohol and Sleeping Pills) Suspect Arrested
1 Allowing Person to Drive Vehicle without a Valid License Suspects Arrested
2 Suspended Drivers were Arrested and Sent to Court
11 Unlicensed Drivers were Arrested and Sent to Court
2 Vehicles were Impounded for 30 Days
10 Vehicles were Stored for 1 Day
5 Vehicles were released to the Registered Owner pursuant Checkpoint Release Procedures.
This checkpoint was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Report Drunk Drivers – Call 9-1-1!
“It was a success,” Dail said. “Anytime we can get people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol off the road, we can call it a success,” he said.
For Additional Information Contact Detective Daniel Dail of Traffic Services Bureau at 323-890-5400.
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