By Brian Hews
A public comment from a Mexico-born Huntington Park City Councilwoman has sparked a controversy after she blamed “the Americans” who served as past elected officials for problems with residential and business water meters.
Councilwoman Rosa Perez, who was elected in 2011, stunned the mostly Spanish speaking audience in attendance at Huntington Park City Hall last week when she blasted residents with the comment “I wanted to come into (elected) office, and to see what the problems are in the city and try to bring solutions to them. A big problem is that people think that when the Americans were in office everything was all great and when the Latinos came in, then all the problems came in.”
Perez continued in Spanish by claiming, “but the Americans did a lot of these contracts that are costing us (Latinos) much money.”
Several residents immediately reacted with loud yells in protest to the comments.
Perez went on to say in Spanish that “people are asking where the money is going?”
“Most of the money is not going to pay the chief of police or the city manager, maybe the (city) attorney is making a little more money, but, ah, this is not where all of the money is going. (And) I didn’t make these contracts, the contracts are from years ago, I have always said that I don’t need power, you know me, you know I got in here to help the city,” Perez said with her voice rising louder and arms waving in the air.
“The city has to pay its own expenses. I don’t expect you to pay for the water I use, but don’t expect me to pay for the water you use. We are not happy about this,” Perez said.
Perez was reached by Hews Media Group on Friday at her office at County USC Medical Center where she serves as a mid level manager in order to get a clarification about her comments.
“I have lived in Huntington Park for 37 years, and I am new to this city council. It hurts me to see that residents blame me for everything,” Perez said.
“You are going to print whatever you are going to print. I can’t stop that,” she said.
“I am not going to apologize for anything I said in that meeting. I speak for my people, and we have real problems here in Huntington Park,” Perez said. When asked for a clarification Perez said, “It means whatever you want it to mean.”
Perez said that there is an active campaign to discredit her and other city council members who have political ties to former Mayor John Noguez, who is the embattled current Los Angeles County Assessor.
Noguez help fund Perez winning campaign for city council in 2011, as well as the campaigns of his cousin, Vice Mayor Elba Guerrero and another political alley Councilman Andy Molina.
Linda Guevara, a former HP city councilmember, told Hews Media Group that she was “outraged” by the comments of Perez. “What the hell is wrong with this councilwoman? Huntington Park is located in the United States, and we are all Americans,” Guevara said.
Another longtime Huntington Park resident Marilyn Sanbria, a Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International member said it is “disheartening that a woman of this caliber, and of that position, to make such a racial statement.”
“Her statement shows a lack of knowledge of the history of leadership in Huntington Park and a divisive comment that does not reflect the professionalism of her position,” said longtime Huntington Park Karina Macias.
(Copyright. Hews Media Group. Los Cerritos Community Newspaper. Republication Granted With Proper Attribution).
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we are all americans!!! god bless us, and our troops!!!!
Alot of immigrants come to our country and they love to be here, and are proud to receive the citizenship! But thier are those who come here and tell me that this would be a great place to live if the Americans would just leave, but Americns built this country no matter what ethic background they are. This is another example of some comming here not to make a better life. but to take what ever thay can, and blame the AMERCANS for thiers and others misfortunes. This woman is in a position to make life better for all those in her community. And yet all she shows is he BIGOTRY for AMERICANS,. Love it or Leave it.
Well said.
Well, I agree with you in principle, however, your final statement “love it or leave it” is not what I call an American principle. In a country where the people are supposed to be in charge, I would rather see them “Change it” than leave it.
Oh, and please learn how to use “their” and “there”, and look up “they’re” while you’re at it.
Re: “Her statement shows a lack of knowledge of the history of leadership in Huntington Park” … also shows a lack of knowledge of those three important words on every US coin: “E pluribus unum.” Rosa, if you’re a US citizen, you’re supposed to consider yourself part of the “unum”–the one. Maybe you’re in the wrong line of work, let alone the wrong country.
“I speak for my people, and we have real problems here in Huntington Park,” Perez said.
Great way to KEEP many citizens PISSED off at ‘your people’ Rosa!
Unless we are on Mars, you are an American FIRST and what ever else you call yourself SECOND! That is the way it always was and will be, unless or until Osama Bin Obama and Gov Moonbat in Stinkramento destroys what is left of our stare and the nation.
Yes Rosa Perez has been living in Huntington park for long time. When her late husband was elected to become the first Latino council members 22 years ago he fitted in right away he voted with the 3 (white) council members . They got him a job with MTA they teach him the ropes how to better his personal life ,he hired a police chief that got fired for misconduct and sexual harassment allegations . And she wants to blame white people .
Hay Rosa Say hi to your boss Tom Jackson.
Gee I wonder if she is any relation to Sarah Palin?
Let’s see… lived in Huntington Park for 37 years: check.
Asserts that the problems are caused by “the Americans”.
She’s stated pretty clearly that SHE’S not an American. So, deport her, since she’s obviously a disaffected foreigner of some sort. Let her go where she’s less likely to rub elbows with “Americans” since she finds them so repugnant.
This is why you don’t let women out of the kitchen
If she hates the USA so much, she should just go back to wherever she came from. Let them take care of her and her wants and needs. Give Huntington Park people who really care about the City
Instead of showing leadership in solving problems it seems she resorts to blaming, attacking and dividing the very community she is sworn to serve.
Hummm… Sounds familiar
Where is the rest of their current city council?
Again, hummm… sounds familiar
She should be publicly admonished by each of her council colleges.
All of you, including her, show your ignorance of who AMERICANS are. We are US CITIZENS by nationality and AMERICANS only because we’re in North America. Rosa Perez, if she came to the US from Central America is ALSO AMERICAN. Same goes for Canadians and Peruvians (North America and South America).
She shouldn’t be so asinine in her comments to the HB Council but at the same time if we are all going to fret indignantly we should do it correctly.
Who? What?
All of us are ignorant?
How do you know we are ALL US Citizens?
Also, only one nation is referred to as America and it’s citizens Americans.
Don’t get distracted with trivial matters. Her comments are divisive and are not fit for office.
It’s not HB , Einstein, is HP.
It’s “it’s” and not, “is HP”
As goes South Gate, Maywood, Bell, Cudahy, Vernon, and next Huntington Park, Rosa Perez mis-spoke when she said Americans, what she meant to say was “Gringos”.
Like always the comments made by Huntington Park Councilwoman Rosa Perez will be taken out of context because she used the word “AMERICANO.” Next thing is that someone will consider it an ethnic slur and cause even a bigger fuss.
I will try and explain in short what Councilwoman Rosa Perez meant and I believe she meant “Prior Anglo Administrations running the City of Huntington Park.” But I think residents are missing the point for once I heard a Councilwoman letting everyone know that the decisions from previous councils and current problems facing the city are not her fault. Councilwoman Rosa Perez is trying to be clear.
Look at former Huntington Park Councilman Noguez who is currently under investigation. Then there is the neighboring City of Bell, Cudahy and the disaster in Vernon. I believe they were “AMERICANOS too.”
Huntington Park Councilwoman Rosa Perez corrected her mistake and I applaud her for trying to set the record straight but I still want to know where the council is spending and allocating city tax dollars AMERICANO or not!
Honestly, why does anyone, especially an elected official need to divide the community between “Hispanic” and “non-Hispanic.”
Our elected leaders need to solve problems not create them!
I find it amazing how the word “American” is misused. Let’s all keep in mind, that all European’s came to the American continent as immigrants. The British, Germans, Irish, Italians, and others came to the Americas by boat from another continent. Hispanics, Latinos, Mixtos, Indios are from the American continent. We were already in the Americas the native land of our ancestors. The Hispanics of Indian decent were mutated by the Spaniards and other Europeans and were forced to speak their native tongue (Spanish, English, and Portuguese) and embrace their religion Christianity, Catholicism, and etc.
Most Americans which are referred to as “Gringos” “Gavachos” claim to own this indigenous land, The United States; however FORGET that Mixtos, Latinos-Indios are linked to having blood ties with Native American Indians. Yes, Mixtos, Latinos-Indios are related to the Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, Hopi, Powhatan, Quechua, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, Toltec’s, Olmeca, Tarahumaras, Huichol and etc.
For many of Hispanic, Latino, Mixtos decent; it’s appalling to hear “Gringos” “Gavachos” say, Go back to Mexico, Central America, and back to your country; when “Gringos” “Gavachos” and those of European decent have been invading “ALL” continents through-out centuries! The roots of the “Gringos” “Gavachos” invade and conquer! White settlers in particular of (British) decent invaded Afghanistan in the early 1800’s! British Empire and Czarist Russia invaded all of the Middle-East.
Remember White Settlers the slavery of many innocent African Americans? Remember White Settlers the attack on Japan? Remember White Settlers how many American Japanese were held in concentration camps here in California during World War II? Remember White Settlers when you declared war on Vietnam and yet while we were fighting a war overseas we had SEGREGATION here in AMERICA!!! How Black and Brown US soldiers were not allowed the same rights as WHITE American soldiers!!!!
Councilperson Rosa Perez is simply frustrated with the political, social and economical climate of the current predicament that Huntington Park is under. The Hispanic and Black communities are targeted in general by bad press mostly caused by the media to take events and language out of context.
This article exaggerates that Rosa Perez is a foul politician. She pales in comparison to other politicians. Give me a break! She spoke out loud and clear probably not with finesse and diplomacy but I give her some credit for not biting her tongue. I personally believe John Edwards, Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Wilbur Mills, Mark Foley, and Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, Rod, Blagojevich, Bob Taft, Eliot Spitzer, William M. Tweed and other politicians are a lot worse than Rosa Perez. Once again give me a break!
Proud – resident of Huntington Park from 1974-2004.
I find it amazing how the word “American” is misused. Let’s all keep in mind, that all European’s came to the American continent as immigrants. The British, Germans, Irish, Italians, and others came to the Americas by boat from another continent. Hispanics, Latinos, Mixtos, Indios are from the American continent. We were already in the Americas the native land of our ancestors. The Hispanics of Indian decent were mutated by the Spaniards and other Europeans and were forced to speak their native tongue (Spanish, English, and Portuguese) and embrace their religion Christianity, Catholicism, and etc.
Most Americans which are referred to as “Gringos” “Gavachos” claim to own this indigenous land, The United States; however FORGET that Mixtos, Latinos-Indios are linked to having blood ties with Native American Indians. Yes, Mixtos, Latinos-Indios are related to the Navajo, Cherokee, Sioux, Apache, Hopi, Powhatan, Quechua, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, Toltec’s, Olmeca, Tarahumaras, Huichol and etc.
For many of Hispanic, Latino, Mixtos decent; it’s appalling to hear “Gringos” “Gavachos” say, Go back to Mexico, Central America, and back to your country; when “Gringos” “Gavachos” and those of European decent have been invading “ALL” continents through-out centuries! The roots of the “Gringos” “Gavachos” invade and conquer! White settlers in particular of (British) decent invaded Afghanistan in the early 1800’s! British Empire and Czarist Russia invaded all of the Middle-East.
Remember White Settlers the slavery of many innocent African Americans? Remember White Settlers the attack on Japan? Remember White Settlers how many American Japanese were held in concentration camps here in California during World War II? Remember White Settlers when you declared war on Vietnam and yet while we were fighting a war overseas we had SEGREGATION here in AMERICA!!! How Black and Brown US soldiers were not allowed the same rights as WHITE American soldiers!!!!
Councilperson Rosa Perez is simply frustrated with the political, social and economical climate of the current predicament that Huntington Park is under. The Hispanic and Black communities are targeted in general by bad press mostly caused by the media to take events and language out of context.
This article exaggerates that Rosa Perez is a foul politician. She pales in comparison to other politicians. Give me a break! She spoke out loud and clear probably not with finesse and diplomacy but I give her some credit for not biting her tongue. I personally believe John Edwards, Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Wilbur Mills, Mark Foley, and Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, Rod, Blagojevich, Bob Taft, Eliot Spitzer, William M. Tweed and other politicians are a lot worse than Rosa Perez. Once again give me a break!
Proud – resident of Huntington Park from 1974-2004.
oh, I forgot to add: George Washington our “founding” father took land from the Native Indians, and Andrew Jackson (US President) was a slave owner, Thomas Jeffereson wrote the Declaration of Independence while we had slavery in this country! hhhmmmmmm
should I continue??????????????
And where exactly did you learn your twisted view of history and Anthropology? Have you ever read a book?
You said, “Hispanics, Latinos, Mixtos, Indios are from the American continent.” Do you believe they just sprouted from the ground? Please, they are not native to North or South America, they too migrated there. Anthropology 101
As for your slave holder remarks. The history of the so-called natives of North and South America are also guilty of enslaving others. World Civilization 101
You said, “Remember White Settlers the slavery of many innocent African Americans?” First, I believe you meant Africans and that is still considered (among some) technically incorrect. Hint, not all of African decent are “African Americans.” Nevertheless, open a history book on Liberia (west Africa)and open your eyes to whom there was doing the selling. By the way, do you recall history where an African Empire (Egypt) enslaved the Jews?
Segregation – again, many of all skin colors are guilty of segregation based on skin color (dark vs light), language, etc. Social Science 101
You said, “The roots of the “Gringos” “Gavachos” invade and conquer!” Anthropology and History indicate this also happened in Africa and the Americas (before white settlers).
My point – read a few books and study. Then you will understand why Ms. Perez is wrong to carry the torch of divisiveness.
Go back to Europe John Smith!
Can we speak of the issues in the 21st Century and NOT go back 200-300 years ago?
Amazing! Perez tries to slide by with more hype. Why did she even bother to say this in the first place?? What purpose did it serve? I live in South Gate and this is just more Hate spewing from South East area’s Council Members. Luckily we have good people now in South Gate, but I remember when Albert Robles and Xochilt Grace Ruvalcaba were in office before they were recalled, they spoke just like Rosa Perez. They were blaming the White Man for everything.. but you get Rosa’s drift. Watch out Huntington Park. Perez is full of hate and anger and pointing fingers instead of trying to fix the problem. from Virginia of South Gate.
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Latina Huntington Park Council Member claims city problems caused by ‘Americans’ | Cerritos Community News
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