The Hawaiian Gardens City Council approved a request to go to bid for consulting services to update the 2014-2021 city Housing Element at its Aug. 28 meeting. Director of Community Development Joseph Colombo said the state requires local governments to update and adopt a long-term Housing Element. “Unlike other mandatory components of the General Plan, the Housing Element is subject to detailed statutory requirements and mandatory review by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).”
He said the law requires that cities adequately plan to meet existing and projected housing needs, as assigned by the Regional Housing Need Assessment (RHNA), which identifies the amount of housing unit growth the City should plan for in their Housing Element, as determined by HCD, the Department of Finance and Los Angeles County population projections and regional forecasts. RHNA allows communities to anticipate growth within a region during a set time span.
Colombo said local governments are now required to update the General Plan Housing Element for 2014-21 as mandated by State Law
The 2010 Census demographic profile for Hawaiian Gardens indicates the community’s total population is 14,254, of which 77.2 percent are of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. The pesident population consists of White (7.3 %), African American (3.8 %) Asian (10.6 %), American Indian and Alaskan Native (1.2%) Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (.4%), and residents defined by two or more races (3.9 %).
Councilmember Reynaldo Rodriguez said the city was only .9 of a sq. mile in size and was built out. He questioned where the city would put new homes.
The Housing Element also assesses housing programs for the elderly, disabled, female head-of-households, homeless, and low to moderate income groups to determine success and future recommendations. It also identifies actual and potential constraints on the maintenance, improvement and development of housing for all income levels. In addition it assesses housing conditions and immediate needs within the City, including special housing needs.
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