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ABC Adult SchoCareer Academy Offer Students a Career not just a Job

By Jerry Bernstein 

When this writer was a high school student the learning adage of “Reading, Writing and Arithmetic” were the three basic keys to an education. This basic premise still holds true but today’s student faces a more complicated world, with the basics covering a much larger playing field.

ABC Unified School District

ABC Unified School District (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many of today’s school districts are meeting this challenge using a combination of modern technology and innovative programs in the classroom. At ABC Unified School District one of the ways it is meeting this challenge is through its Adult Education School under the direction of Principal Dr. Pao-Ling Guo and Assistant Principal Chuck Minear who outlined a career path and schedule for high school juniors and seniors to members of the Board of Education at its Aug.14 meeting.

Minear proposed a Career Academy that offers professional level career education ending with nationally recognized industry certification. With concurrent enrollment with their high school, students can graduate with a high school diploma and an Industry Certification, which allows them to obtain higher paying entry-level jobs at graduation. At the same time students who wish to continue onto college can help pay for their higher education without incurring a heavy student loan debt.

The Program would offer nationally recognized Industry Certifications along with 10 to 20 high school concurrent enrollment credits per semester. This allows the home school to claim ADA (Average Daily Attendance) for the student even through the student is taking the courses at ABC’s Career Academy.

Students enrolled in the program would graduate from their home school.  Under the program they would go to their home school until after lunch. Then they would attend academy classes at specified class sites.

Initial classes will include Medical Assistant Clinical, Medical Billing and Coding Certification, Design and Graphics Certification, and Information Technology Certification. Minear explained classes for Medical would be held at the Cabrillo Lane Adult School Campus from 1:30 to 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday.  He said a summer introduction class would be held at the Adult School. Classes for Design and Technology would also be held at the Cuesta Adult School Campus from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Students would earn 10 credits per semester or 20 for medical assistant. Students interested in the program have to fill out an application and go through an interview before being accepted into the Academy. The class counts toward technology and AB1330 graduation requirements with board approval. In addition the State of California credentials all teachers instructing under the program.

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