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Three known Hawaiian Gardens gang members arrested after horrific crash near Cerritos High School


Injured victim of the crash near Cerritos High School

Injured victim of the crash near Cerritos High School


By Brian Hews

Three confirmed Hawaiian Gardens gang members will be appearing in a Bellflower Superior Court room on Thursday to face various felony charges relating to a wild high-speed chase on Wednesday afternoon that resulted in a horrific three car accident in front of hundreds of terrified Cerritos High School students.

Arrested was driver Julio Macias, a male Hispanic adult.  Macias is facing several severe felony charges according to Lakewood Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Machula.  “Macias is being charged with counts ranging from receiving a stolen vehicle, to felony hit and run, and several other charges,” Machula told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper in an interview on Wednesday afternoon.

Also being charged in court on Thursday will be two passengers who were with Macias in the chase.  They have been identified as Claudia Tejada, a female Hispanic adult, and Adrian Camacho, a male Hispanic adult.

“The three are confirmed gang members,” Machula said.  “Thank God no one was killed in this situation,” he concluded.

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  • FFL says:

    Gang members from HG..?? Not very surprising -glad nobody was killed. I would highly assume drugs and alcohol played a BIG part. It is ingrained in that culture..