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Suspect Chris Ambriz under arrest in Norwalk.

Suspect Chris Ambriz under arrest in Norwalk.

 Details are emerging about a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Sergeant who was shot at on Wednesday in Norwalk by a known gang member.

On Wednesday, October 3, a Norwalk Crime Suppression Team, along with the assistance of Norwalk Operation Safe Street Detectives were conducting a narcotic operation in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant in an attempt to survey and arrest a known gang member, 31 year-old Chris Ambriz, who was wanted for Possession of a Firearm and Narcotics by a Felon. However Suspect Ambriz did not appear at the location.

After the undercover operation concluded, an L.A.S.D. Sergeant noticed he was being followed by a White Ford Expedition. The suspect drove up to the Sheriff’s undercover vehicle and began shooting at him, striking the Sergeant’s vehicle at least one time. The Ford Expedition then fled the area.

During the investigation, it was confirmed Suspect Ambriz was the driver and person shooting from the vehicle. A few hours later, Suspect Ambriz was tracked down at a motel in Buena Park and taken into custody.

The undercover Sergeant was known to the suspect because the Sergeant had previously arrested Suspect Ambriz.

Suspect Ambriz was arrested and booked at Norwalk Sheriff’s Station for Assault with a deadly weapon (firearm) on a Peace Officer and is currently being held on $450,000.00 bail.

Norwalk has been hit with a rash of violent crimes during the past nine months, including eight violent murders.

–Randy Economy

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  • willworkforfood says:

    Gang members should not have rights. They violate innocent people living in these communities, so screw them. Arrest every dumb @ss gang member and lets clean the streets and get rid of theses jerk offs.

  • Patrick Maxwell says:

    Social media is a great tool for all of us to use, but unfortunately alot of mis-information is put on blogs and then taken as fact.

    After looking at Mr Gano’s comment on the 90’s I reviewed our history of crime in the city of Norwalk. I looked at 1996, 97, 98, 99. For the area of Aggravated Assaults, which includes all of the shootings, stabbings and felony assaults, we averaged 658 victims per year (96-99) . In 2011, we had 221. This is a 66 Pct Decrease. So far in 2012 we have 183. I dont want to go back to the 90’s.

    Murders for that same period of 96-99, averaged 13 per year. In 2011, we had 6 murders. In 2012, we have had 9 homicides, 7 of them criminal.

    I have been at Norwalk Station since 2003 and the Captain since 2007. Public Safety has always been the number 1 priority to City Council and still is as they hold me accountable. I am very proud of the work of my men and women here at Norwalk Station who has dramatically reduced crime in our City. But, I also know we can always do better.

    We have definitely had an uptick this summer in shootings due to gang violence, however we have made some recent significant arrests and hope this will have an effect. Our efforts are ongoing and daily.

    We need more of a partenrship with the community and encourage all citizens if you “See Something – Say Something” You can remain anonymous.

    I encourage anyone who has an issue with crime, a suggestion or any complaints of my staff to please contact me at the Norwalk Station or email me at [email protected]

    Captain Patrick Maxwell

    • Thanks Captain Maxwell for always being accessible to members of the media literally around the clock.

      Los Cerritos Community Newspaper is dedicated to informing the community about the facts of crimes in our area from information that is provided to us by ONLY authorized media representatives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

      Here is to a safe and peaceful community.

      Randy Economy
      On-Line Editor
      Hews Media Group