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ENDORSEMENT: Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Endorses Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Endorses Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County District Attorney. Randy Economy Photo

One of the most important choices voters will have on Tuesday, November 6th is the election a new District Attorney for Los Angeles County.

Outgoing DA Steve Cooley is about to go down in history as being one of the best, if not THE best criminal prosecutors in the history of Los Angeles County. Cooley has set the example on how to arrest greedy local politicians who have stoles from taxpayers at our local city halls, school boards, state legislators, and even crooked water board members. The bar he set for his predecessor is like humungous.

Of the two candidates running to replace Cooley, Los Cerritos Community Newspaper is proud to endorse Jackie Lacey for District Attorney.
Lacey has been with the DA’s office for the past 26 years and understands the workings and complexities of the operation better than her opponent Criminal Prosecutor Alan Jackson.

Lacey has assured LCCN that she will continue to crack down on public corruption, and will pay “extra attention” to the greedy public officials in Southeast Los Angeles County who have raped taxpayers for untold millions for years.

LCCN has great concerns about Alan Jackson, and those he has in his inner circle of supporters. Jackson, a Republican, and Lacey a Democrat, have been engaged in a nasty campaign during the past couple of weeks.

“Jackie Lacey is engaging, she looks right in your eye when she talks to you and could care less about politics or politicians”, said Cooley

“No one is going to push me around as District Attorney,” Lacey said.

We agree.

Jackie Lacey has earned our support and we urge her election.

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  • mark hylland says:

    It seems Alan Jackson did himself in…..D.A. Jackie Lacey sounds GREAT.