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KCET shines spotlight on embattled Leal and Trejo law firm over Huntington Park political ties

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By Brian Hews


LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 22: Los Angeles Coun...

KCET Public Broadcasting Station in Southern California aired an expose focusing on the recent dismissal of controversial ex-Huntington Park City Attorney Francisco Leal on Thursday night.

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper on October 16 published an exclusive report that outlined the specific contractual relationship between the City of Huntington Park and Leal.  In the contract published by LCCN, it was revealed that taxpayers in the cash starved city could be on the financial hook to legally defend jailed Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez in any “future possible criminal charges he may face in the future, including the ongoing massive political corruption probe at the LA County Assessor’s office.”

LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 22: Los Angeles Coun...

Noguez is a former City Councilman and Mayor in Huntington Park, and is one of the biggest political allies of Leal and his law firm. Noguez has since been arrested and jailed on dozens of felony charges that include forgery, money laundering, and bribery.

Noguez is still in solitary confinement in a Downtown Los Angeles jail as of late Thursday night, and could remain there for several more days or weeks due to the fact that all of his personal assets have been frozen by law enforcement authorities.  He continues to have difficulties to raise the funds to post the $1.16 million bail.

Leal inserted the provision that could have help pay for Noguez legal fees just days before Huntington Park council officials approved the agreement.  LCCN published a copy of Leal’s contract by city officials in Huntington Park after a request was made under the “Freedom of Information Act.”  

On Thursday, KCET aired its investigative segment that also focused on the relationship between Leal and his law firm as well as how Leal simultaneously represented a local water board agency as well as another another obscure public agency connected with the City of Huntington Park all at the same time.

Leal denied any “wrong doing” in the interview by KCET that featured Investigative Reporter Vince Gonzales.  Highlights of the segment from KCET can he seen above.


LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 22: Los Angeles Coun...

LOS ANGELES, CA – OCTOBER 22: Los Angeles County Assessor John Noguez attends a bail hearing at the Criminal Courts Building on October 22, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. Noguez has pleaded not guilty to a long list of corruption charges. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

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  • Chewy says:

    Now let’s look at some hidden players that made millions of $$$$ in southeast cities but went under radar, Vicente Ortiz the owner of Tacos Don CHENTE who got help from John Noguez And millions of Huntington park, Maywood ,city of Bell through grant money for META 2000 and used the money to built his Taco empire and he did that with help of none other then the GODMOTHER OF SOUTHEAST POLITICS HERSELF , ANGELA LIZARRGA the baby mama of Mr Ortiz ,she works for senator elect Ricardo Lara which gives mr Ortiz great local leverage and greater statewide access to financial business handouts. Well come to team. NOGUEZ, LEAL, SALARI, ORTIZ &” DOÑA” ANGELA LIZARRGA.

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