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City Council hopefuls line up in Cerritos, Norwalk, La Mirada, Lakewood

By Brian Hews

With the 2012 Presidential campaign just two weeks behind voters, candidates who are hoping to be elected to local city council slots in the March, 2013 Municipal Elections have began filing nomination papers in Cerritos, Norwalk, La Mirada, and other local communities.

In Cerritos, voters will be electing two city council members. Current Mayor Jim Edwards is barred from seeking a third four-year term due to the cities term limit laws. ABC School Board Member James Jooghan Kang is the only candidate to have filed and qualify for the ballot as of Wednesday afternoon, according to City Clerk Vida Barone. Also taking out nomination papers are incumbent City Councilwoman Carol Chen, and challengers George Ray, Kiyong Ma, and Frank Aurelio Yokoyama.

In La Mirada, current Mayor Gabe Garcia and Councilwoman Pauline Deal have taken out nomination papers. In addition, residents Randy Gray, Connie Balloue, Steve Keithly and Andrew Sarega have began the formal process to have their names appear on the March 5th balloting.

In Norwalk, City Clerk Theresa Devoy said that Incumbent Mayor Cherie Kelley and Councilman Mike Mendez have both taken out nomination papers as has current Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School Board President Daryl Adams, and community leader Candy Martinez.

In Lakewood, incumbents Diane DuBois, Steve Croft, and Todd Rogers have all filed and qualified for the March ballot. No challengers have taken out papers as of Wednesday at noon according to city spokesman Bill Grady.

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  • Nichole Golightly says:

    Daryl Adams.

  • mark hylland says:

    Mark Hylland is also expected to run.

  • No On Carol Chen says:

    Anyone but Cerritos Councilwoman Carol Chen. She has been a total TRAIN WRECK.

    Remember when Los Cerritos Community Newspaper EXPOSED CAROL CHEN for meeting with the COMMUNISTS in CHINA on TAXPAYERS DOLLARS in hunt of that IDIOTIC high speed train….

    Carol Chen is NOT worthy of being reelected. She should be INDICTED for MISUSE of TAXPAYERS FUNDS.


    • Jay Gray says:

      Throw the bums out!
      Too bad all those taking out papers, in Cerritos, are connected in with current council members:(
      We need someone who really cares about the city and puts residents first!!
      I recall reading an article Randy wrote on his blog, on another election, showing how Carol Chen and Jim Edwards “loaned” tens of thousands of dollars to their campaigns. Has to make us all wonder how much these people “really” make in perks and benefits.

  • Norwalk Voter Since 1969 says:

    The TIME to THROW MAYOR CHERRY KELLEY has FINALLY ARRIVED. She is a total crook, and all she cares about is her stupid real estate career. Shame of the VOTERS of NORWALK if they VOTE FOR KELLEY this time around.

    I am voting for Mike Mendez and ANYONE OTHER THAT THAT KELLEY…..

  • Stan Klecha says:

    Mike Mendez was on a committee to stop the expansion of the 5 Freeway ..can you imagine the
    freeway being only one lane .. for app. ten years
    he recieved city funds .. what a waste of tax
    dollars .. that was alleged fraud .. Under his
    Mayor leadership .. the neighborhood watch program
    was not effective .. and he promised to revive the
    program..that was several years ago..the crime
    eliment is risen because of that ..and the Public
    safety is not enforcing state laws..and nobody cares .. garbabe cans litter the streets after collection twenty fours later .. nobody cares ..the bottom line..the public needs Mandatory term limits ..

  • Carpet Baggers says:

    Mike Mendez and anyone else other then Cheri Kelley, Daryl Adams, and Mark Hylland (whomever he is). And as for Stan, Mike Mendez has been chair of the I-5 Committee to expand the 5 freeway. Please do not comment unless you know what you are talking about. It is misinformed people like you that cloud up the voter process.

    • mark hylland says:

      Oh come on “Carpet Baggers,” first you claimed to know me……See your previous comment/posting. Now you claim you don’t know who I am? Are you having a Scott Collins moment?

  • mark hylland says:

    Mike Mendez is a committed leader to Public Safety. He has been a strong advocate and I have seen him take action when everyone else was too scared to. I agree in part that the Public Safety Department needs new leadership. This department spends more time telling us what they cannot do rather than what they can do. It is time to CLEAN UP Norwalk. We do have term limits, it is called VOTING…..Mike Mendez does care and our family will continue to support him. Kelley must go—it seems that she and her crew are teaming up to take Mike out…Isn’t that right Mayor Kelley?!?!?!?!