Four arrests have been made in Las Vegas in connection with four murders that took place at a home in Northridge, the Los Angeles Police Department announced in a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.
The suspects arrests were taken into custody “without incident” at the Silverton Hotel and Casino, Chef Charlie Beck said.
Suspects were identified as Ka Pasasouk, 31, of Los Angeles; Howard Alcantara, 30, of Glendale; Donna Rabulon, 30, of Los Angeles; and Christina Neal, 33, of Los Angeles.
Pasasouk was arrested on suspicion of murder, Beck said, and he is considered to be the main figure in the brutal mass killing.
The three others face charges of aiding a felon; Alcantara faces an additional charge of robbery.
Four brutal murders took place in the early morning hours of Dec. 2, 2012, at a residence on Devonshire Street.
–Randy Economy
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You sound pretty tough Jacqueline Bartsch when you haven’t got a prayer of entangling these people. Why not go commit a crime in that district, get locked up with them and give it your best shot-you vigilante no show wannabe. Personally I am a pretty tough person but I don’t want to be anywhere near this type of a person. And the people that commited the crimes as well.
One other thing. At what age do Mexican girls start shaving their eyebrows?
How funny… Mr. Know it all, I’m not Mexican so I wouldn’t know… n 2nd, it’s obvious u support these idiots so u must be their friend. Lame ass chump. Do u not understand he took a life of real nice people so “F” u if u have their back
Wow, I couldn’t tell what you were (what are you) but seriously what is up with the shaved eyebrows? You look like prison meat. All the same I think this shit is ugly, nasty, evil-promoted by people like you (jae jae)and people like you. You are in the same pile of stink as they are. Grow up. Aren’t you someone’s wife and the mother of children? Dressing like that is tantamount to letting the world know you are responsible in the same vein as Charley Manson carving a swastika in his forehead before a parole hearing.
Dressing like what??? Ur an idiot yes I’m a mother, a proud mother…. swastika???? Well here how funny is that? For I am half German n hella proud of being of that descent… obviously ur a loser like those chumps. So before I rest my eyes n get my beauty sleep fuck them I really hope they suffer and I hope the judge throws away the key, but before he does, he throws ur sorry ass in there with them…fucking idiot
Oh ya it’s CHARLES not CHARLEY moron
The makeup you wear looks like represent a Latin gang. I already saw your facebook and you look like you represent thug life. I dare guess you have been involved in illegal activity before. Charles was Manson’s name though he was referred to as Charley but learning that might require reading a few books. I don’t have the back of any low life including you. I hope you got your beauty sleep as you looked like you needed. Take a look at your pillow now it likely looks like a hippie painting. Now after you are done showering, if you do shower, look in the mirror. That is going to be prettier than anything you can adorn your face with and it sends a message to your children that the thug lifestyle is not alright. As far as locking someone up that has never committed a crime one can easily see your commitment to justice or the lack there of.
I once knew a scientist that had a chemical reaction in his lab. He lost all hair on his body. Is that what happened to your eyebrows? no seriously though why do you shave them?