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‘Baby Insane Crip’ Criminal Street Gang In Long Beach Targeted In Raid on Thursday

Downtown Long Beach, California

Downtown Long Beach, California (Photo credit: Konabish ~ Greg Bishop)

The Long Beach Police Department, with the assistance of the United States Secret Service, the United States Postal Inspector‘s Office, and the Internal Revenue Service, served search warrants at 32 locations across the Southland on Thursday as part of a long and intensive investigation that originally began in November of 2009.

The original operation was part of a several month long multi-agency investigation that stemmed from 13 shootings and a murder investigation that spanned over three years.  Multiple search warrants were served and numerous arrests were made of gang members from the Baby Insane Crip criminal street gang, and evidence linking this gang, as well as some of their family members and associates, to a large-scale fraud ring  (the original news release can be found by clicking on the link below).

The L.B.P.D., with the assistance of the U.S. Secret Service and the United States Postal Inspector’s Office, continued the investigation into the members of the gang.  The joint investigation determined that the gang was heavily involved in identity theft and tax fraud and investigators learned that the suspects were stealing personal identifying information to commit various financial crimes, including the filing of fraudulent tax returns

“Through tedious investigative work, it was determined there had been tens of thousands of dollars of loss to the federal government, and several hundred thousand dollars more of attempted fraud identified, totaling over one million dollars combined. The stolen proceeds from these crimes were then used to fund the gang’s extravagant lifestyle,” noted officials from the LBPD.

“Today’s operation utilized over 200 detectives and agents from L.B.P.D., the U.S. Secret Service, and the U.S. Postal Inspector’s Office.  The 32 search warrants were served in Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Harbor City, Van Nuys, Carson, Inglewood, Gardena, Anaheim, Cerritos, and Los Angeles, and 11 individuals were arrested that consisted of members of the Baby Insane Crip Gang, as well as family members and associates. With the assistance of the Department of Children & Family Services, eight children were taken into protective custody,” the statement proclaimed.

Several thousands of dollars in cash was seized, in addition to several tens of thousands of dollars worth of property that included 10 guns (one assault rifle, one shotgun, and eight handguns), major electronics such as numerous large screen plasma tv’s, and stereo and video projection equipment, multiple cars including several high-end vehicles, and a $50,000 boat.

“We would like this operation to serve as another strong message to the gangs in the City of Long Beach and throughout the region, that we will not stand for the destruction you bring to our communities, and will do everything within our power to stop the violence and corruption that you inflict upon society, stated Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell. “We will continue to unite with our law enforcement partners at the local, county, state and federal levels, and utilize every tool available to us to target not only you, but those who conspire with you to victimize members of our community for your personal gain.”

The L.B.P.D. would like to remind residents to be extremely cautious whenever asked to provide any personal information, whether through the computer, over the phone or in person, and to closely monitor their bank accounts to ensure their information hasn’t been compromised.  Other crime prevention tips, which the community is highly encouraged to practice, can be found by clicking on the link below.

The L.B.P.D. would like to thank the agents of the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Postal Inspector’s Office, and the Internal Revenue Service, who put in a tremendous amount of time to this investigation and dedicated themselves to this operation.  They have all played a vital role in dealing yet another blow to this gang in an effort to reduce criminal activity and violence in our community.

The arrest information relating to today’s operation are listed below:

Name:                         Age:           City of Residence:      Booking Charge:
Crystal Armijo             27               Long Beach                outstanding warrant
April Clark                   21               Long Beach                identity theft
Christina Clark            23               Long Beach               identity theft
John Hermida             48                Long Beach               poss. of stolen property/stolen car
Lakanda Horn             40               Carson                        identity theft
Dominique Lewis       24               Los Angeles               ex-felon in possession of firearm
Ebony Mosely             30               Harbor City                 outstanding warrant
Dejuana Oliver            22               Long Beach                identity theft
Lamartin Patterson     30             Long Beach                identity theft
Torrence Stokes         27               Los Angeles               ex-felon in possession of firearm
Edward Winston          27               Long Beach               outstanding warrant


WE WANT TO HEAR FROM OUR READERS!  Are these arrests going to make our streets safer?  What is your OPINION!  Hit our COMMENT SECTION BELOW and FEEL FREE to POST on your FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA SITE including FARK, Facebook, and Twitter.

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  • John Smith says:

    It’s funny how we as humans are so quick to judge without fully knowing the facts. He who is without sin let him cast the first stone. Just because these people were accused of crimes doesn’t mean they actually did them, some were just family members of the accused. It’s hard to believe it’s 2012 and this world is still just as racist as it was in 1912. I guess some things will never change but my prayers go out to all involved, may God be with you.

  • Christina Marie clark says:

    I find it very amusing for people to read something in a paper and develop all these stories, accusations , and llies on innocent people. you people are all so damn ignorant and will believe anything that’s put in the paper just because it was put in the paper. Believe none of what you see and half of wat you hear ever heard that? I am actually one of those people who were FALSELY ARRESTED simply by being guilty by association with someone a family member had ties with. if you ask me a few of those arrest made that day were a complete WASTE OF TIME! if they weren’t everyone stated in the article wouldn’t already b out of jail lol smh ….this is how YOUR TAX MONEY is actually wasted. I come from a background where stealing is not necessary. all items of mine that were seized the day of the raid were purchased be me and myself alone no need for Fraud. investigators claim they’ve been investigating for some years now if you ask me that was a waste of time and their jobs were not being done, If so innocent people would not have been taken into custody and released days after the event for NO EVIDENCE.. You people fucking kill me! All these agencies came into my home and basically robbed ME! items were taken out of my home that have been there for yrs before this “investigation” every even began! all this publicity was just a simple way for the government to make society believe these raids weren’t in vein! I personally could give 0 fucks Bout anyone involved in this situation but my sister! the irony of this whole situation is the REAL CRIMINALS are still out in these streets and you idiots believe that they have been caught smh. My life was ruined and changed by these dumb Ass lies that never had proof from the start. I’m not a gang member nor am I affiliated with any of them. Im a college graduate and a great mother so before you sit up here and wish bad and downfalls on the next do your mother fucking research! everyone wishes down on black people as it is so we all know why this story sounded SO RIGHT! Right? Lol a straight up training day move was pulled on me in my home and I was violated as a citizen where’s the justice in that?

  • jeb says:

    Some of the comments on here are scary. People openly stating they’re gang members and proud to steal from people and boasting about bad things they have seen and done. shame shame shame. I have to say we all need to be nice to each other. There is no need for silly nonsense. you all need to do as I say and all will be ok.