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‘Demand A Plan’ Targets Gun Violence in America

Mayor’s are demanding a plan to gun violence in new campaign.

By Brian Hews

A new campaign by some of the most recognizable figures in Hollywood and a coalition of city mayors  launched on this week that targets gun violence with a dramatic 90 second public service announcement and web campaign.

The vid clip called “Demand A Plan” was produced this week in the aftermath of the tragedy in Newtown, Ct.

“The outrage is turning into political and social action,” Salon reported on Friday.

In the “Demand a Plan” Video, celebrities called on President Obama and Congress to come up with a plan to end gun violence.

Organizers of the movement state on their website www.demandaplan.org:  “It’s time. Join more than 750 mayors and 750,000 grassroots supporters to demand that President Obama and Congress step forward with a plan to end gun violence.”

“Our efforts cannot bring back the 20 innocent children murdered in Newtown, CT — or the 34 people murdered with guns every day in America. But we can prevent future tragedies by passing common sense legislation that will:

Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America; Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines; Make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw purchasers”

“Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns”  has already attracted dozens of city mayors in California who ask residents in their own communities to “take grassroots action.”

In Los Angeles County, Signal Hill Mayor Larry Forrester, West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang, Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Malibu Mayor Lou LaMonte, Inglewood Mayor James T. Butts, and Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard  have already signed on to the effort.

Here is a compete list of those Mayors who represent California cities who have endorsed the effort thus far:

Mayor Marie Gilmore
Alameda, CA
Mayor Tom Bates
Berkeley, CA
Mayor Cheryl Cox
Chula Vista, CA
Mayor Eugene Montanez
Corona, CA
Mayor Jennifer West
Emeryville, CA
Mayor Gus Morrison
Fremont, CA
Mayor Maria Orozco
Gonzales, CA
Mayor James T. Butts Jr.
Inglewood, CA
Mayor Sukhee Kang
Irvine, CA
Mayor Bob Foster
Long Beach, CA
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Los Angeles, CA
Mayor Lou La Monte
Malibu, CA
Mayor Rob Schroder
Martinez, CA
Mayor Paul Eaton
Montclair, CA
Mayor R. Michael Kasperzak
Mountain View, CA
Mayor Jean Quan
Oakland, CA
Mayor Stephen P. Pougnet
Palm Springs, CA
Mayor Bill Bogaard
Pasadena, CA
Mayor Luis I. Molina
Patterson, CA
Mayor David Glass
Petaluma, CA
Mayor Jennifer Hosterman
Pleasanton, CA
Mayor L. Dennis Michael
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Mayor Gayle McLaughlin
Richmond, CA
Mayor Kevin Johnson
Sacramento, CA
Mayor Dennis Donohue
Salinas, CA
Mayor Patrick J. Morris
San Bernardino, CA
Mayor Edwin M. Lee
San Francisco, CA
Mayor Andrew F. Kotyuk
San Jacinto, CA
Mayor Chuck Reed
San Jose, CA
Mayor Stephen H. Cassidy
San Leandro, CA
Mayor Miguel Pulido
Santa Ana, CA
Mayor Helene Schneider
Santa Barbara, CA
Mayor Don Lane
Santa Cruz, CA
Mayor Larry Forester
Signal Hill, CA
Mayor Ann Johnston
Stockton, CA
Mayor Jeffrey Prang
West Hollywood, CA
Mayor Christopher Cabaldon
West Sacramento, CA

Hews Media Group will continue to follow this movement during the next several weeks and months.

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