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New Lakewood City Council Member Could Be Picked Thursday Night to Replace Van Nostran

By Brian Hews

Lakewood may have a new city council member on Thursday night to replace longtime Councilman Larry Van Nostran who died last month.

Five residents will be considered by the city council to fill the vacancy.  They include:  William Baca, Ronald Piazza, Vicki Stuckey, Marc Titel and Ronald Wade.  

Twenty applicants sought the appointment.  

On December 18, the city council voted to create an Ad Hoc Committee of two council members to further review the applications of the 20 residents who had applied to fill the vacancy.

The screening committee, composed of Vice Mayor Steve Croft and Council Member Jeff Wood, was tasked with bringing a narrowed-down list of up to five finalists to the full council by December 26 for consideration at a meeting the next evening, which will take place on Thursday.

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