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Wendy Greuel Campaign Director John Shallman Sued by Trutanich

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  • shadowpark resident says:

    This is unbelievable.
    Wendy Greuel has to be a super stupid woman to have hired John Shallman as her chief campaign consultant/advisor.
    Why is she so willing to place the future of the City of Los Angeles in his dirty hands? I work in LA and the city is in need of a good scrubbing not more filth.
    How long will it take the IBEW to give the order to fire Shallman and his scummy team. The “we’re in charge” LA unions are not at Happy Camp today.
    Hey WENDY, HEAT’S ON!!!

  • jonathan Becker says:

    You’re such an idiot. Do you even have a high school diploma? These people are smart people. That’s why they’re able to run for office unlike idiots like you that don’t understand what it takes to win and help our city move forward. Get a life! And by the way, I would actually do some research before leaving a stupid comment like that. The media is will always be the media that wants attention!! Just like you!!

    • She withheld public records from us for months, violating many laws. Then we found her running for mayor on the taxpayers dollar. Shallman has 2.2 million in liens prior to the Durkee arrest, her campaign pulled my reporter’s arrest record and passed it out at a press conference basically threatening every journalist that if you have a future hard hitting TRUE story on Wendy we will do anything to discredit you. Is this how she will run the city as Mayor?

  • jonathan Becker says:

    Wendy would make a GREAT mayor. These people are smart people. That’s why they’re able to run for office unlike idiots like you that don’t understand what it takes to win and help our city move forward. Get a life! And by the way, I would actually do some research before leaving a stupid comment like that. The media is will always be the media that wants attention!! Just like you!!

    • She withheld public records from us for months, violating many laws. Then we found her running for mayor on the taxpayers dollar. Shallman has 2.2 million in liens prior to the Durkee arrest, her campaign pulled my reporter’s arrest record and passed it out at a press conference basically threatening every journalist that if you have a future hard hitting TRUE story on Wendy we will do anything to discredit you. Is this how she will run the city as Mayor?

  • jonathan Becker says:

    Wendy would make a GREAT mayor. If I were you i would actually do some research before leaving a stupid comment like that. The media is will always be the media that wants attention!! Just like you!!

    • She withheld public records from us for months, violating many laws. Then we found her running for mayor on the taxpayers dollar. Shallman has 2.2 million in liens prior to the Durkee arrest, her campaign pulled my reporter’s arrest record and passed it out at a press conference basically threatening every journalist that if you have a future hard hitting TRUE story on Wendy we will do anything to discredit you. Is this how she will run the city as Mayor?