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Norwalk Iconic Community Leader Helen Brown Dies After Suffering Fall at Prayer Breakfast

Remembering Helen Brown. Photo provided by David Ang via Facebook.

Remembering Helen Brown. Photo provided by David Ang via Facebook.


By Brian Hews

Norwalk community leader Helen Brown has died as the result of a tragic fall she suffered on Tuesday morning while attending a community prayer breakfast at a hotel.

Brown, who was one of the most loved and respected residents of Norwalk passed away Tuesday night at an area hospital from her injuries.

Friends and family members took to social media sites to remember the energetic, gracious and always elegant Brown.

Brown also was a Contributing Feature Writer for many years with Los Cerritos Community Newspaper, and other local publications.

“Tonight we pause and remember the remarkable life of Helen Brown, who made our community brighter and more vibrant.  Helen was an amazing spirit and her passing has saddened all of us,” said Brian Hews, Publisher and President of Hews Media Group.

Please feel free to leave your comments and memories about the remarkable life of Helen by sending an email to [email protected].

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