Los Cerritos Community Newspaper endorses Frank Aurelio Yokoyama in the March 5th Cerritos City Council election. Randy Economy Photo
Los Cerritos Community Newspaper is urging the election of Frank Aurelio Yokoyama to the Cerritos City Council on Tuesday, March 5.
Yokoyama will bring a new sea change at Cerritos City Hall, one that has been needed for quite some time.
While we have some concerns about Yokoyama over recent revelations that he got into hot water with the California Bar Association this past year, we applaud Yokoyama for “owning up” to his misstep. Yokoyama is a firebrand member of the Cerritos Planning Commission who isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo or to ask the tough questions.
Yokoyama’s addition to the Cerritos City Council will ensure a dramatic change in how business is conducted at the corner of 183rd Street and Bloomfield Avenue.
We urge that one of your two votes be cast for Yokoyama.
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I would have to concur regarding the concerns. Too much B.S. in city hall, already. However, among the known candidates, those with a chance of winning and moving beyond business as usual, Frank may be our best and only hope in this election.
I wholeheartedly agree with your endorsement of Frank Yokoyama.His misstep was only consequential to himself and his acknowledgement and immediate correction is an act of courage and integrity sorely missing in Public Life. He has my support.
Now you have confused me. First you run inflammatory headlines about Frank, trying to turn his sneeze into the plague. Then you endorse him. Poop on you for the former; bully for you on the latter!!! I know Frank and his family, long-time Cerritos residents and business owners. He is a perfectly home-grown fellow and will be good on the Council.
I think you are confused, we found that information and published the story, like a newspaper should. We felt he was the best for the job, given that he owned up to his mistake.
Last CCC | Candidates Forum 2/19/13
• Del Amo Bridge- 40 Yrs Broken Promises.
• CCPA- 20 Yrs broken Promises.
• Magnolia Power Plant- Red Ink.
• Museum- Vacant > 10+ Yrs. ( No Income)
• Warehouses- Vacant >5+ Yrs. ( No Income).
• Street Trees are trespassing in to private sewer lines and properties.
• Freeways Buffer Landscape is dead.
• Curbs-Gutters not draining.
• Streets are uneven like washboard.
• Sidewalks are uneven & non- walkable.
• Shoemaker Gore Waterfalls are disaster.
• Street lights Breached.
• OverNight Parking Ordinance – 40 Yrs Broken Promises for Public Voting.
Public Candidates Forum | Tues 2/19/13 | City Hall, by Woman’s Club!!!!!
Please review the photos in the following blog, as photos speak a million words and demonstrate 40 + Years of ((B R O K E N -P R O M I S E S)) by our Cerritos elected- appointed…..
Cerritos Residents own equally all parts of city and city government. City is for the people and not for elected special hidden interest groups; which quietly motivated most of the past CCC. Majority of the past elected councilperson have hidden agendas, which dictated interest for boosting special interest and not for the BETTERMENT of all 100% of the city. Following interests have tainted many votes, which in long run, has crippled our city……..
• Real Estate.
• ABC Schools Boards & College Boards.
• Trains.
• Hold Other Public Offices.
• Climb Political Ladder of advancing.
• Unions.
• Racial Culture.
• Home Owners Associations.
• Military Affiliations.
• Candidates Political Affiliation.
……..Thoroughly examine their endorsements; follow the money trail to < then (( -100%- BETTERMENT )) of all the residents.