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Chinese Developer Sinks Thousands in Late Cash to Carol Chen’s Reelection Campaign

Cerritos City Councilwoman Carol Chen.

Cerritos City Councilwoman Carol Chen.

Cerritos Councilwoman also loans herself $34,000

By Brian Hews and Brian Hews

Cerritos City Councilwoman Carol Chen has received $23,000 in late contributions in her efforts to win reelection with $5,000 coming from the developer of three large shopping, residential, and retirement projects in Artesia.

Zion Enterprises and Zion Enterprises, LLC, of San Clemente gave Chen’s campaign a check for $5,000 on January 23, according to campaign documents filed at the Cerritos City Clerk’s Office.

According to their company website, Zion Enterprises LLC says that they “develop incredibly diverse products, from commercial medical office buildings, to big box anchored retail sites, to residential senior condominiums.”

Zion Enterprises built three projects in Artesia including the Artesia Oasis Plaza a retail shopping center that was completed and sold in 2004 and anchored with Ranch 99 Market that is geared for the local Chinese-American community, Grace Court, a residential development, and Artesia Senior Housing.

Company contacts on the business website “Manta” list the managers/contacts of Zion as Joanne Tang and Charles Zhang. Along with being listed as a contact at Zion, Charles Zhang is also the CEO of Aseptic Solutions based in Corona, Ca., a beverage bottler who also lists real estate investments on their company profile.

Calls about the donation into both companies went unanswered.

Chen also brought in $2,000 from Lily Chao, a Realtor with Presidential Realty in Cerritos; $1,000 from Quick Service Towing in Anaheim; $1,000 from Royal Garden Restaurant on South Street in Cerritos; and $2,500 from Jack Wang, the President of Allstate Floral and Craft, Inc.

Chen also loaned herself more than $34,000 loans to pay for her reelection campaign.Chen operates and owns a company called “Elevation Investments” which according to her filings with the California Secretary of State is based at 13125 Espinheira Drive in Cerritos.

It is also registered with the city at a different address on 183rd.

Other candidates donations remained virtually the same with very small “late contributions.” George Ray and James Kang each have over $50,000 in donations with KY Ma at $35,000.

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  • McMahon, J. says:


    Thoroughly examine their endorsements; follow the money trail to < then 100% Betterment of all the residents!!!!

    **Public Candidates Forum | Tues . 2/19/13 | City Hall, by Woman’s Club**

    Please review the photos in the following blog, as photos speak a million words and demonstrate 40 + Years of broken promises by our Cerritos elected- appointed.

    Cerritos Residents own equally all parts of city and city government. City is for the people and not for elected special hidden interest groups; which quietly motivated most of the past CCC. Majority of the past elected councilperson have hidden agendas, which dictated interest for boosting special interest and not for the BETTERMENT of all 100% of the city. Following interests have tainted many votes, which in long run, has crippled our city.
    • Real Estate.
    • ABC Schools Boards & College Boards.
    • Trains.
    • Hold Other Public Offices.
    • Climb Political Ladder of advancing.
    • Unions.
    • Racial Culture.
    • Home Owners Associations.
    • Military Affiliations.
    • Candidates Political Affiliation.

  • FLF says:

    Sure is great to know who owns that council vote IF she is elected..

  • Larry Andre says:

    And what is wrong with that??????, The unions have been funding Yokayama with direct expenditures that never get accounted for in the campaign. I guess it levels the play field considering the big push from the special interest UNIONS. Plus the most important part is the anti Chen people have a great ally in the Los Cerritos Community News that the do not pay for in all the rerun articles and the vitriol on its pages.

    • LCCN says:

      Yokoyama’s 460’s show him at $10,000 total. All his money.
      Your Chen comment is way off base. We wrote about Yokoyama and his Bar Association violation and nailed MA and Kang on their election deal.

    • George F. Medina says:

      Do the math. Unions relay in thousands of members contributing small amounts with interests dealing with fairness and equality in the labor market.
      Single contributors have only their own vested interest, lucrative contracts for their own personal gain.
      Lets see….again do the math. There are 435 members of Congress.To corrupt Congress you would need hundreds of votes. To Corrupt a City you only need THREE.

  • Marilyn Cerritos says:

    Larry Andre, shame on Carol Chen and shame on you.
    Perhaps you should take a tip from your own home town, Lakewood. It is a wonderful mainstream city, well maintained and well managed, with a City Council who cares for “ALL” (not just a chosen few)

    Carol Chen does not give a rat about the residents of Cerritos, only her own self-serving financial gains, her ego and City Council perks.
    I voted for her last election but never again.