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$64 Halibut on Carol Chen’s Menu

Some in Cerritos have called into question the receipts presented in LCCN’s Feb 8 Cerritos City Council Travelgate article, including the $65 steak/fish.
The actual receipt is below.





  • busted says:

    BUSTED CHEN! I guess your little escapades with Bruce, and Jim will be cut back a bit, 65 halibut 32 filet and this is just one dinner on the trip. I will not vote for you and I will demand your outrageous $113 per diem be cut. Council people like you are not there for the city you are there for yourself. Cerritos vote Carol out!!!!!

  • McMahon, J. says:

    Friday, February 22, 2013.

    ”Dam”… expensive— BOWEL MOVEMENT!!!!. Were these DINING amounts inclusive for free usage to restaurants Bidet, with built-in Sony’s Blow Dryer Station? Doesn’t the council know about Republican President’s Reagan’s 80:20 Tax Guide; for dining and traveling? These meals overages are ridiculous spending, when so many residents are waiting for: | TREE | SIDEWALK | GUTTER| repairs.

    (????) QUESTION: Carol Chen, Is —$64—-Dirty Fish, like being a DIRTY VEGAN?

    Resident Smearhiemer & Mayor Edwards are from the old stock of WW2 Baby Makers, spend spend spend and not question the government….Hell, we are in a new generation of Millenniums, and resident’s should seriously examine the Council’s Spending Portfolios. Cronyism expired during the | X-Y- Z | Generations and this is a prime example, of how to BK the city’s budget.

    Mayor Edward’s referenced the city web portal for public reference for travel. Hmm, city of Cerritos, —47%— Seniors, and many of these older residents, are not computer savvy to navigate the non- uniform web portal | | Edwards tried to buffalo the residents with his cronyism, compared to the Pope and Mahoney hid the priests pedophilism…….

    Could not believe my ears, when the past Forum, most of the candidates supported travels, as an educational perk. Well, appoint commissioners who have Professional Resumes to support the post; —-S T O P — appointing because of race and campaign lobbying donations. Back in the 70’s, Cerritos Council Persons ((Rabbit and Alex Benum)) misused & disgraced the traveling account, suffered accident, permanently handicapped and has cost the tax payers and workers comp, infinity of medical –wellness money over the past few decades.

    Mayor Edwards Legacy:
    • Lied to the Wall Group & former Mayor, regarding Shoemaker.
    • Showed favoritism only to Gahr alumni brand.
    • VIRAL Showdown fight w/ Councilperson Crawley over emails.
    • Spent more PR towards military, then he did representing all districts in 90703.
    • Spent money on trips and travels and pocketed bonus coupons.
    • Allowed : B A T T E R Y B A R R O W ‘ S fite with long time candidate, Mr Jim Gray, to go non- censored…

    Bottom line, when money is paid beyond the SERVICE CONTRACT, the frequent flyer and hotel usage should not be privately held, but for the benefit of all the public. Corrupt Bell politics is very much seeded in to our local government in 90703.

  • Jay Gray says:

    Anyone watching the last council forum must have been in disbelief as candidate Carol Chen stated city Council members ate sandwiches before the council meetings.

    Seems, if that were true, they were making up for lost meals on the tax payer dime once out of public view.

    Candidate Carl Chen also neglected to mention how committees/commissions along with staff ALL meet, before their meetings, at local restaurants for dinner, again on the city dime.

    They may deny talking city business, but we can rest assured the reasoning being this is to promote cohesiveness among the “players.” What a better way to keep everyone in line and ensure they tow the city line and stay in lock-step should any resident stand before them and complain too loudly.

    • McMahon, J. says:

      Friday, February 22, 2013…

      RE: Jay Gray:

      ►FORMER Donna Summer: ‘We work hard for the money”; in Cerritos we make an appearance for the money and food; and split!!!

      One time after the Protocol Study session, few yrs back; meeting broke off, so the CCC and all of upper staff members, could break away from city hall compounds; to head for full sit down dinner at white table cloth restaurant, prior to the 7pm council meeting…….real rough isn’t it?????

      Another time, happened to be at a restaurant in TC, as commissioner party was eating… surprise, some of the commissioners ordered seconds and the seconds were bagged as take home food and the city paid the entire tab!

      Former Commissioner, Mr. Fuentes, exposed how the ((B R O W N –A C T)) – is being misused at these off sight eat-ins, as the staff and commissioners talk about the agenda in general and go over the yesteryears of city business and administration. Mr. Fuentes thoughts can be viewed at | |

      ► | |
      Naturally none of Mr. Fuentes thoughts on said subject, were ever drafted on to the Minutes PDF files, which are non searchable on- line!!!!

      Then while attending a FAC, dinner was brought in to eat in the council chamber, for the commissioners. Hell I have not see anyone eat this much food in my adult life. I was not offered food, as I was part of the audience.

      FAC Box Dinner:::::::::

      • Side Salad.
      • 4 pieces of chicken;
      • Potatoes;
      • Veggies.
      • Dinner rolls;
      • Milk containers;
      • Huge slab of pie;
      • Napkins;
      • Finger towels.
      • Bwn bag foil for left over

      Summary: Council and commissioners are public servants and should be volunteering their direction to aid the public and not be treated like royalty at the expense of the tax payers. If council and appointees received no income, allowances, perks, food fuel; we would really see hi-quality of volunteers come forward, RETURN OF A OPEN BINDER PANEL; and be a public service to the community and stop playing racial cards.

  • McMahon, J. says:

    Saturday, February 23, 2013

    Re: Failed Cerritos Protocol Manual

    | Republican Edwards | : 8 Yrs as councilperson + (?) Yrs as commissioner
    | Republican Chen | : 4.5 Yrs as councilperson + (?) Yrs as commissioner.

    This is one of many stories, how the REPUBLICAN era of Cerritos Elected have help rob our systems, so the breached public works are destroying our real estate values.

    After (4) years of working on the proposed Cerritos Protocol Manual, still is not completed and has cost the taxpayers poss. as high as Million Dollars for nothing.

    Failed Protocol Manual

    • One (5+) Hrs study session
    • City Clerks- 2
    • City Attorney: Countless of billable hrs
    • Commission + Committee Hearing: Have discussed and passed pre-limb version.
    • Discussed at one City Council agenda, but has failed to return for further discussion and poss. pass a resolution.

    How many Travelgate trips to the following, as still non -completed work for the residents and future appointees & elected:
    • Florida
    • Sacramento
    • Military Shows
    • Washington DC
    • Palm Springs
    • Loveland, Colorado.
    • National Educational Seminars
    • China Trips