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District Attorney Opens Inquiry Into Central Basin Water Director Vasquez

Los Angeles County District Attorney has opened an official "inquiry" into the activities of Central Basin Water District Board Member Leticia Vasquez.

Los Angeles County District Attorney has opened an official “inquiry” into the activities of Central Basin Water District Board Member Leticia Vasquez.

LCCN expose on campaign donations culminates in investigation.

By Brian Hews and Brian Hews

A Los Cerritos Community News investigation has culminated in an official inquiry by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Bureau of Fraud and Corruption Prosecutions/Public Integrity Division pertaining to controversial Central Basin Water District Director Letica Vasquez.

The case against Vasquez was opened on February 27.The focus of the investigation centers on Vasquez “failure to report donations” to the California Secretary of State on a Form 460 as reported in LCCN three weeks ago.


In the letter, obtained by LCCN, District Attorney Jackie Lacey and Head Deputy District Attorney Anne Ingalls confirmed that a “complaint has been assigned” and a case was opened for “preliminary review.”

During the past several weeks, LCCN has published a number of investigative articles that has called into question how Vasquez conducted her successful 2012 campaign and her association with past convicted individuals who according to sources make up her political inner-circle.

Those people in the inner circle include Rick Mayer, a convicted felon, along with political consultant Angel Gonzalez. The two donated huge sums of money and were the two key figures responsible for getting Vasquez and Roybal elected. According to documents filed with the California Secretary of State’s Office both Vasquez and Roybal owe the two more than $40,000 combined.

Vasquez told state officials that she still owes Gonzalez at least $18,399 for campaign signs and mailing costs, more than eight months after being elected last June.

Roybal owes $22,878 to Mayer in expenses.

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper has been told by several sources that both Mayer and Gonzalez could be rewarded for their connections with Vasquez and Roybal by being granted consulting contracts that could bring in hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

Since taking office on January 7th, 2013, in less than one month, Roybal and Vasquez joined ranks with long-time Director Bob Apodaca and created a new “voting bloc majority” at Central Basin.

The three changed the Administrative Code and removed President Art Chacon from overseeing the Board just barely one week after he was seated for the position. Roybal is now serving as president of the five-member board.

The three also immediately removed CBMWD Director and Cerritos resident Phil Hawkins from his long held seat on the board of the Metropolitan Water District. Hawkins served as chair of the important Real Estate and Asset Management Special Committee.

“I am very much going to cooperate with District Attorney on this matter,” Vasquez told LCCN in an interview on Thursday.
Vasquez said she was “not aware” that a complaint was filed against her.

“I know that I am accountable to the newspapers, I am accountable to the people, I recognize that, and that’s what I am trying do here at Central Basin,” Vasquez said in an interview.

“I am trying to do my job as a public servant,” Vasquez said.

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  • Mary Fong - Cerritos says:

    I have been following this story in the LCCN and Vasquez should resign. She and her friends are a disgrace.

    • Jake Falcon says:

      I can only said start with Vasquez’s record in the City of Lynwood and discover how corrupt she is to the core, such a disgrace to all people of this State. We must do better next time!

  • Mike Tyson says:

    I am so sick of these three. I am most disgusted with that revolting Bob Apodaca. That pig is behind all of this and he has used those other two dummies like chumps! They are completely following his marching orders while Ernie Camacho, Doug Wance and Bob Garcia call the shots and feed Apodaca cash. This will be exposed I’m sure. I understand that Fuentes and Beilke have built quite the case and have turned over all evidence of the years of corruption that’s been going on here for years. EVERYONE here can see that’s why they were fired! I hope they bring this whole place down to the ground with Roybal, Vasquez and that slimy Apodaca in jail! He needs to held accountable for his sick evil ways and for the sake of Kara.

  • Jason Herrera says:

    I remember all the trouble this broad caused in Lynwood. She had an attitude like her s_it didn’t stink. She was hated by everyone and I couldn’t believe when I saw her campaign signs for Central Basin last year.. I remember thinking how these cockroaches never die, they just find new homes to infest. I am confident that the DA know the type of crap they’re dealing with here and will take her down. She’s as ghetto as they come.

    • Jake Falcon says:

      Mr.Jason Herrera:

      I could not agree more with your concise and accurate narrative regarding Leticia Vasquez.
      I know we can do better, let’s keep the fight on for transparency and honest dealing with the California voting public.


  • anonymous says:

    Someone needs to take a closer look at EVERY ONE THAT ANGEL IS BEHIND…. SUCH AS ISAAC GALVAN

  • Jake Falcon says:

    Hello Anonymous:

    Who is Isaac Galvin? Where can I find more about Mr. Galvan? How is he related to Ms. Vasquez? Donor list, maybe?

    • Jason Herrera says:

      Jake, Issac Galvan is part of the late Mervyn Dymally “crew” of opportunits and political hacks. This “crew” of all minority elected officials and wannabes were created by Dymally to seize control from white politicians. Unfortunately, Dymally recruited nothing but crooks and the list is long. They include most of the jailed former Lynwood City Council which Leticia Vasquez escaped by ratting on her own. Other Dymally hacks include Albert Robles (both Big Al who is still in prison and Lit’ Al who now serves on both the Water Replenishment Board and the Carson City Council -which is of course illegal) as well as former Central Basin Board Director Rick Mayer who was later convicted of seven felonies. Yes, quite a bunch of theives.

      So back to Issac and Leticia Vasquez. Issac is part of the team that elected Vasquez to Central Basin. The team included Lit’ Albert Robles, Rick Mayer, Jim Roybal, Issac Galvan and Angel Gonzalez, another convicted individual who operates Pyramid Printing. Gonzalez was convicted for sending out political “hit” mailers that were fraudulent and total fabrications. That’s his speciality and no one does it better. Just look at the hit pieces Jim Roybal and Leticia Vasquez sent out to defeat the two Central Basin incumbents!

      In typical ghetto political fashion, Angel Gonzalez and Rick Mayer recruited Issac to SAY he lives in Compton when he actually lives in Commerce. Don’t worry, the DA is already watching these clowns. In fact, the Dymally team has their very own lawyer on retainer, a guy named Anthony Willoughby who has built his career representing these crooks. He is currently representing Leticia Vasquez in her ongoing battles at Central Basin. So why did Issac Galvan jump at the chance to run? Because Compton will be voting by District for the first time and thus creating an opportunity for a latino candidate for the first time. So naturally the opportunitist rush in and bingo, Issac Galvan For City Council!

      Let’s hope the people of Compton realize in time that Galvan will sell the community out and float contract to a slew of Dymally buddies and blood suckers. It’s not like Compton isn’t already in a world of hurt, but who needs smarter crooks looting the vaults?

      • Debra Hirsch says:

        WOW! Talk about setting the record straight. Unfortunately this information is not readily available for the masses. We all know that these type of people exist and are breeding like cockroaches but we never seem to find out until they’re thrown in jail.