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Matthew Warren, son of Pastor Rick Warren, commits suicide in Orange County

By Brian Hews

Matthew Warren, the son of popular Southern California Pastor Rick Warren committed suicide, it was confirmed by Saddleback Church officials on Saturday.

Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church.

Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Matthew Warren, 27, had apparently suffered from depression and mental illness, his father said in a statement released to members of the media on Saturday.

The suicide took place in Mission Viejo.

Details of how Matthew Warren died have not be released by coroner officials.

“Matthew was an incredibly kind, gentle and compassionate young man whose sweet spirit was encouragement and comfort to many,” the statement said.

“Unfortunately, he also suffered from mental illness resulting in deep depression and suicidal thoughts. Despite the best health care available, this was an illness that was never fully controlled and the emotional pain resulted in his decision to take his life.”

Warren took to Twitter on Saturday to share his thoughts about his son’s passing:  “We pray”Thy WILL be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN’ since in heaven God’s Will is done #always. On earth,it’s done rarely.”

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