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Artesia is Healthy, Not Wealthy’ Mayor Flowers States in Annual Address

Artesia Mayor Sally Flowers gives "State of the City" Address.

Artesia Mayor Sally Flowers gives “State of the City” Address.

By Rico Dizon

During the State of the City Address, Artesia Mayor Sally Flowers called her term as the leader of the municipality as the “Year of Partnerships.”

In stressing the importance of partnerships, she borrowed a quote from the ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, “If you do not seek partnership and assistance, you will be isolated and weak.”

Flowers made her comments this week before business leaders and community members at a luncheon at the Artesia DES Hall.

Official seal of City of Artesia

Official seal of City of Artesia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Flowers presented a team of key city officials who outlined in greater detail the current condition of Artesia.

The speakers included Andrew Perry, the City’s Public Information Officer; Melissa Gobas, Parks and Recreation Superintendent; Okina Dor, Planning Director; and Susie Gomes, Assistant City Manager.

Each of them spoke of effective partnerships in their respective areas of responsibilities that produced good results and beckons of future rewards all for the benefit of the Community.

Perry talked about a fun topic – fireworks which he said used to be enjoyed by some 5,000 people in Artesia but had stopped since the recession. After three years, Perry announced, “I am happy to inform you that the fireworks will again be able to entertain thousands of people through partnership with Friends of Artesia Foundation who help raise funds with its Cupid’s Ball last February. Likewise, he added, “a partnership with Consolidated Disposal came up with $6,000 donation for this year’s fireworks and another $5,000 for next year. He also made special recognition to County Supervisor Don Knabe who donated $1,000 for the 4th of July fireworks.

For her part, Parks & Recreation Superintendent Melissa Gobas, mentioned that thru partnership with LA Conservation Corps, the latter has been granted funding to improve play areas and walking trails at AJ Padelford Park and Baber Park. The AJ Padelford Park construction plans have been completed and work is scheduled to begin late this month, she said.

Dor, the City’s Planning Director, reported that thru partnerships with business community in downtown Artesia, Phase III of Pioneer Boulevard Improvement Project is going on. He also mentioned partnership with Verizon for the shared parking lot in the business center.

Dor also cited partnerships with MTA for the public bus shelters and the CalVet Project that made possible the brand-new downtown parking lot.

The last team member who spoke on partnerships was Assistant City Manager Susie Gomes who announced, “I am very excited to inform you that we are now a partner with 58th District State Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia who now shares an office with us at City Hall.”

Another partnership that Gomes spoke about was with Southern California Edison who will allow the use of its electric poles and help install 6 ft. banners along the stretch of busy Pioneer Blvd. before summer and promote the various jewelries, clothes, food and beauty shops in the area.

In closing, Mayor Flowers said that the City of Artesia is “Healthy but not Wealthy.” “We have reversed the City work furlough and lifted the State of Emergency,” she reported. Flowers informed that Interim City Manager Don Powell talked to her regarding the putting in of contingency reserve funds as she showed the figures on the screen including an accrued employee reserve fund of $75,000, general fund reserve of $50,000 and Catch Basin retrofit reserve of $100,000.

“Lastly, Measure M Reserve Fund for $100,000 is money that will be going back to the Community,” she said.

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