(UPDATED AT 4:25 a.m.:) Special Enforcement Bureau Team members entered the location where the suspect was barricaded and a deputy involved shooting occurred. “As a result of the shooting, the suspect was wounded and treated at the scene where he was pronounced dead, ” Lieutenant Hernandez told members of the media.
By Brian Hews
(Los Angeles, Tuesday, April 30, 3:55 a.m.)
A car pursuit in Los Angeles late Monday night has resulted with the suspect barricaded inside of an apartment complex with two possible hostages.
Members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Internal Affairs Bureau Investigators are at the 500 block of Fairview Avenue after a Deputy Involved Shooting that occurred at the conclusion of a pursuit.
The dramatic scene was covered by CBS 2 News Helicopter Reporter Stu Mundel on the 11 p.m. newscast. CBS 2 reported that deputies fired multiple shots at the suspect, but somehow the suspect was able to run inside the complex.
In a statement to members of the media by Deputy Tony Moore and Deputy Iyrs Alvarez , no deputies were injured. “At this time, it is unknown if the suspect was hit by deputy’s gunfire,” the statement claimed. There was no additional information available as of 3:45 a.m.
A command post has been set up at Bridge Street and Echandia Street in East Los Angeles
Whenever an Officer Involved Shooting occurs, involving Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies and it results in the wounding of a suspect, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Office of the Los Angeles County District Attorney, in addition to investigations by Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene and have full access to the facts know to the Sheriff’s Department throughout every phase of these investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff’s Executive Force Review Committee.
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