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MEDIA ADVISORY: LCCN to File Complaint With LA City Ethics and District Attorney Against Wendy Greuel


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Contact: Randy Economy (562) 743-0882



Los Cerritos Community News To Hold Press Conference Regarding Wendy Greuel’s Alleged Misuse of Her City Controller’s Office


Highlights Include Impending Complaint To Be Filed with Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and Request to District Attorney for Independent Review of Wendy Greuel’s Possible Misuse of the City Controller’s Office


(Los Angeles, CA)- Publisher Brian Hews and Investigative Reporter Randy Economy from the Los Cerritos Community News will be holding a press conference Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 11:00AM to discuss their Ethics complaint against Wendy Greuel to be filed with the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and request to Los Angeles District Attorney’s Public Integrity Office to review LA Mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel’s possible misuse of the City Controller’s office for political gain.


WHO: Publisher Brian Hews and Investigative Reporter Randy Economy from the Los Cerritos Community News


WHEN: Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 11:00AM


WHERE: East Steps

200 N. Spring Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012


WHAT: To discuss their pending complaint with the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and Los Angeles District Attorney’ Public Integrity Office against Mayoral candidate and current City Controller Wendy Greuel.



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  • LA City Hall Insider says:

    Los Cerritos Community Newspaper exposed the corruption inside the LA County Assessor’s Office, now it appears that you have have struck JOURNALISTIC GOLD….AGAIN! This is going to be very interesting….

  • adam says:

    I usually judge people by who their enemies are, if Randy Economy is after Wendy Greuel she must be doing something right. Randy Economy is way out of touch with the majority of Cerritos residents. This is nothing but a political witchhunt and I can assure you Mrs. Greuel will be found innocent of all charges if it even makes it to court.

  • adam says:

    The latest ABC Eyewitness News poll shows Greuel has a three point lead over Garcetti.