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 USC’s ATVN Reports From LCCN Press Conference Regarding Wendy Greuel Ethics, DA Complaint Filings


Los Angeles City Hall.

Los Angeles City Hall. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


English: The Triforium interactive sculpture w...

English: The Triforium interactive sculpture with Los Angeles City Hall in the background (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 On Thursday morning at Los Angeles City Hall, Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Publisher Brian Hews and Investigative Reporter Randy Economy held a press conference announcing the filing of two formal complaints against City Controller Wendy Greuel.

Reporters from the Los Angeles Times, LA Daily News, City News Service, Associated Press, as well as Annenberg TV News were some of the media outlets who attended the 20 minute press conference.

Here is what Annenberg TV News Reporters Ashley Riegle and Julia Deng published on Thursday afternoon at

Wendy Greuel Accused of Ethics Violations

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper journalists held a news conference Thursday at City Hall to discuss ethics complaints against Los Angeles City Controller and mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel, as well as a “handful” of other city employees.

Publisher Brian Hews and investigative reporter Randy Economy said they requested a formal investigation be opened and charges filed on behalf of Los Angeles taxpayers for “gross misuse of their positions as city employees.”

Los Cerritos Community Newspaper journalists claim they conducted a six-month investigation into Greuel’s day-to-day activities and claim “a majority of her official city schedule has been dedicated to political activities including the solicitation of campaign donations to her Mayoral campaign,” according to a letter distributed by the group.

Greuel responded to questions from an ATVN reporter about the ethics allegations Thursday and said she “knew nothing about the allegations.”

Hews and Economy said they plan to file their complaints with the City Ethics Commission. A request will also be filed with the District Attorney’s Office Public Integrity Office to review Greuel’s possible misuse of the Controller’s Office for political gain.

The ethics allegations come in the midst of a close mayoral runoff between Greuel and City Councilman Eric Garcetti.

The latest ABC Eyewitness News poll shows Greuel has a three point lead over Garcetti. Their previous poll showed Garcetti with a nine point lead.

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